Exactly what I wanted

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We're finally out of school! And it's late. It's 3:40 in the afternoon! It was exausting! The only good part was that I got an A on my exam. Ruth got an A+. Yeah, she has alwaalways been good at math. And I'm hungry! I will never be a teacher! I don't know what I was thinking when I was just a kid and wanted to be a teacher! I was so stupid. Ha ha! 

We walked all the way home. First to Ruth's house to drop her there and then I left to mines. Ruth, likes to be first in everything. So I let her be first. She has that since we were little girls. 

I finally got home and I entered the house. I close the door behind me, throw my things on the couch and put my keys on the table. I open the refrigerator and get a glass of water. I don't want to come so I'll just go to Taco Bell. I get the keys, put my hair in a messy bun and get out.


It's a messasge from Eloy. It says:

Hey! :)

Weird....I don't feel annoyed by him. I answer him:


He answers fast.

Eloy: Wyd?

Me: Going to Taco Bell. :3

Eloy: Can I go?

Me: Sure. But I won't buy anything. Oh! And if I invite you than I'll also invite Ruth.

Eloy: Okay. And okay!

Me: Okay then. I'll see you there. 

Eloy: Yeah! ;)

Me: Byee :)

I turn off my phone and put in my back pocket. Well, I thought I was going alone but I guess not. I'll call Ruth. I take my phone out once again and type in Ruth's number. I keep walking while I wait for her to answer. It rings three times and then she answers.

"Hey girl! What's up?", she says. There's a lot of voices in the back sound. 

"Hey! You want to go to Taco Bell with me and Eloy. We would all meet at the T.B. What do you say?"

"Oh....I'm sorry. I can't go. You see, my dad came to pick me up and we're in a restaurant and well...it's my dad and you know I barley see him. I'm sorry." 

"Don't worry. It's okay.", I said with a smile. She loves her dad. He never left her, her mom kicked him out of the house. That's the reason Ruth has problems with her mom. It's rare the moment when her mom tells Ruth she loves her. Now that I remember, I haven't said 'hi' to his dad. " Say hi to your dad for me. " I see that I'm close to the T.B. so I say, "Sorry Ruth, I got to go. I'm almost getting to the Taco Bell, so byee!" 

"Yeah, byee! Love you!"

"Me too, byee!", after that, I hang up. In my calls with Ruth, I'm always the one who has to hang up. I put my phone away and wait in the sidewalk  until the light turns red. The T.B. is right crossing the street. Ooh I could already taste the taco's falvour going through my mouth and then my taste buds, and just like a waterfall it's flavour falls down my throat. Mmm... 

The light turns red and I start crossing the street. By the time I'm at the other side a cute boy is sitting on stairs of T.B. He looks very cute in every single way! I can't stop looking at him...he's so cute! Suddenly his head turns up to me and I smile to him, then I realize that he's Eloy. Oh my God! I can't believe I wanted", I said witg a smilehought of Eloy like that! Oh my God! He smiles back to me and gets up. I feel a wierd shiver starting from head to toes. But I just ignore it. He gets closer without taking off that goofygoofy smile. 

" Hey!", he says hugging me. 

I hug him back, "Hi!", I said, closing my eyeswhile I feel his wormth. Okay, now that was just cheesy. Forgive me, I'll get back to the point.  

We seperate from each other and we smile.

"I brought my money", he says with a proud face and patting twice his front pockets. 

I giggle, "Exactly what I wanted", I say with a boastful smile. 

He laughs. His laugh is deep but loud...he has a cool laugh. Unlike mine, it's...weird. But his...its a very nice laugh. If I were a boy I would want to have that laugh. And I would go through the streets laughing loud to brag. 

" Want to go inside?", he asks.

"Uh, no duh"

We walk to the entrance. He opens the door to let me in first and closes it behind him. Ooh! There's no line! We walk to the register and is a lady waiting. 

"Hello, welcome to Taco Bell, what would you like to order?", asks the lady with a nice smile. 

" Hi!", says Eloy, "I would like a number four. How about you Dana?", he says turning his head towards mine with the grin in his face. 

" Ummm...", I look at the choices and I see the one. "I want a Dorito Taco, I mean a six."

The lady types who knows what on her thing and she says, "Is that going to be it? Or would you like something else?" 

"That's it, thank-you", says Eloy. 

" Okay then", she types again in her cash register,"It will be 30 dollars, please."

I take out the money but by the time I have it out, Eloy had already paid. After he pays a recieve comes out of the cash register. The lady takes it and gives it to Eloy. 

"Thank you!", says Eloy taking it.

" You're welcome!", says the lady with a smile. 

We went to a table in the back and waited for our order. After a while they call Eloys name. He goes for the food. When he comes back I get my dorito Taco. I open it with all the delicacy in the world and then take a bite. Mmm... This is so good! I could pass the whole day eating these tacos! They're just so...unique! Okay...now that was just wierd... 

When I look at Eloy I see he's staring at me with a smile but saying 'what's wrong with you'. 

"Aren't you going to eat?", I ask him smiling and with the Taco in my hand. 

He laughs,"Oh! Yeah!", he opens his Taco and then he starts eating it. " Wasn't Ruth going to come?", asks Eloy.

"I called her but she was with her dad in a restaurant. That's why I didn't mention her order.", I explained. Shoot! Now that I remember, I didn't pay Eloy my order! I take out sixteen dollars out of my pocket and give it to Eloy. "Here, the money of the taco", I say giving him the money. 

"Nah! Keep it.", he says. 

"No! You have to take it. If you don't I won't be able to eat my Taco comfortable. So now have to take it."

"Okay then. Since you insist.", he takes it and puts it in his pocket. 

After that all we did was talk about us, our love life, the people at our school. 

We got to my house and we watched cartoons and played Just Dance 3 for the Wii. After two hours he left. 

I went to my room and I see a note on my bed. I get it and read it. It says:

" Dana:

        Here's money you gave me for the taco. You're so easy to trick. 

        I hope you enjoyed your taco. Well, now I've got to take a piss so... Byee!         


I get he money. I smile like a fool  at the thought of Eloy. He is just so sweet...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2016 ⏰

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