Chapter 01: The Going Away Party.

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It was the summer of 2011 when I received my college acceptance letter. It was a beautiful moment, full of wonder and awe. It was at that moment I knew my life would change. First off would’ve been that I would have to leave my hometown, Broadbeach, which was in Queensland, Australia. I was, and still am, used to the summer weather, beaches and the sunshine; however my college is stated in the cold city of London. Secondly, I would be leaving behind my family and friends. That one won’t be much of a problem. And lastly, I would have to share a room with someone in a dorm room that is probably as small as a shoebox. Well I gathered that from what I’ve seen on British movies and TV Shows.


Thinking back on that flashback, I smile at my foolish self being naive.

“Need some help packing?” my mother says, her picturesque face glowing in the lighting. She smiles, and comes over to fold up a T-shirt hanging loosely over a chair. I shake my head at her offer, hoping not to come across as rude.

“I’m fine, thanks.” I say, smiling. She walks over, placing her lips on my forehead. “My little girl is growing up!” she said, tearing up. I pull her in for a hug. “Mum, it’s only four years! I’ll be home for the holidays as well!” I say, flinching at how I said ‘only four years.’

Mum smiles and walks out and I resume to my packing. I looked over at my clock and smiled at how it took me three whole hours to pack, and I’m close to finishing. I pull my long, brown hair to the side and open up yet another suitcase, making it five in total. Hey, no hate, I like clothes. After another hour, I pull the zip closed and move all five suit cases to the front door. “Mum, I’ve finished packing!” I yell down the hallway. I hear her reply with a phrase that wasn’t understandable. Thinking she was just merely agreeing, I walk back to my room only to hear the heavy steps of one person that couldn’t be my mother.

“Hello?” I shout out. Five intensifying seconds later and my boyfriend enters the room.

“Hey baby!” He says, a little chirpy.

“Hey.” I say, unenthusiastically. I like him and all, but I feel used. I feel like I’m just there to hook up with. There’s no romance.

“I think your mother went out to the shops for a bit…” Jordan said, moving closer and placing a grubby arm on my shoulder.

“Okay…” I reply, not wanting to be alone with him. He places his other arm on my shoulder, and pulls me closer to him. “No, Jord. I have things to do…” I say, pushing him off and turning to go downstairs into the lounge-room. I hear him follow behind closely.

“Babe…” He whines, pouting. “You’ll be leaving me for four years, I need something to remember you by…” He says, sitting on the couch and pulling me onto him.

“Oomph.” I say as I make contact onto his body. Sitting in his lap, he kisses my neck as my back faces his face. “I have to pack…” I groan, trying to get up but he pulls me in closer, in a toying way.

“I think you’ve already packed…” He says, kissing my cheek and pointing to the bags. Shit. I think. He lies down on the couch and pulls my body onto his and kisses my lips. Sure, he was a good kisser and whatever, but it was the same thing over and over again. He was old news. I pull myself off him.

“What?” He says, in dismay.

“I need you to leave, because I need to… like, help my mother clean up my room.” I lie, standing up.

“Well it seemed pretty clean to me.” He says, crossing his arms in defence.

“I need to dust.” I shrug, moving to the door.

“I’ll see you at your party tonight though?” He says and I nod, and he walks off without even a ‘goodbye.’ I chuckle at how I can easily put him in a bad mood. As soon as he leaves, I close the door. I can’t wait until college. I can’t wait to leave. And I can’t wait until my going away party tonight, being put together by my friends, Sarah, Kirsty and Paris It’s going to be a blast, from what I’ve heard.


The story begins that night. The party was in full swing, people I hardly knew came up to me and took photos and spoke to me. The photos turn out terrific; my bright lavender dress stands out mostly, with its silver rhinestone belt falling above my stomach and V-like hole on my chest. My dress is matched with a pair of velvet stilettos, with a bow that straps my feet in and a silver pearl bracelet. My hair is curled in ringlets and the fringe is tied back with a white ribbon. I strut on over to my friend Sarah, looking gorgeous as always.

“Hey!” I shout over the music.

She screams back in excitement, her brown curly hair bouncing as she jumps. I give her a contradicting look.

“Have you seen Jordan?” I shout, and she shakes her head. I haven’t seen him all night, and I want to make sure I didn’t piss him off. I walk on over to Kirsty, who is sitting on the couch talking to Paris.

“Hey girls!” I say, amusing them. Kirsty and Paris both greet me, and I cross my arms. “Have you seen Jordan?” I ask, and Kirsty’s blonde hair shakes as she denies my question. Paris’ brown hair nods as she informs me on Jordan’s wear-abouts.

“I last saw him going upstairs, maybe to go to the bathroom?” She says, and I thank her. They go back to their chatting as I walk up the stairs. My feet, ow, why, pain, ow, help is what I think as I walk up these stairs. I probably should’ve worn them before tonight, because I can feel blisters forming in places that are very inconvenient.

“Jordan?” I say, not seeing anyone in sight. “Hello?” I shout out, knocking onto each door and making my way to the end of the hallway. Sighing, I turn around to go back down the horrid stairs when I hear a deep chuckle coming from the inside of the bedroom, that kind of sounds like Jordan’s.

“Keep your voice down!” The deep voice says, and I automatically freeze. If that’s Jordan, then what is he doing in the bedroom? Why is he ‘shh’ing someone? Is he with someone? I think, and curiosity got the best of me. I lean my ear against the door, prying my neck hoping to hear it better. There was silence for a while, when I hear a heavy breathing and another laugh. However this wasn’t a deep chuckle like what I heard before. It was a girly giggle. Is he doing what I think he is doing?! I think, and open the door, hoping to God it wasn’t Jordan. My eyes immediately fall on the couple on Sarah’s bed, making out like they were going to die in the next hour.

“Oh my God! Paige!” I shout, seeing as that’s the only person I see. Paige is my older sister by two years. She is studying law at a local university, and I hate her guts. She would always steal my toys, still think she’s better than me and she is definitely the parent’s favourite.

“Get out!” my darling sister shouts, her clothes still fully intact with her body. Thank god. I think to myself. Then, all of a sudden, Mr Mysterious turns around and my jaw drops. Of course, it is Jordan.

“Jordan…” I whisper, and turn around and walk out the door, slamming it behind me.

I run down the stairs, not thinking about my sore feet and walk straight out the front door, unaware of my surroundings. I can hear mixed voices saying my names, but I block them out. Tears pouring, surely messing up my eye make-up, I pull myself into my car and drive off, not even bothering to put my seatbelt on. I look into my rear-view mirror, hoping nobody follows me. I hardly want to bother answering questions, or talk. I just want to leave. As the car pulls into the driveway, I rest my head upon the steering wheel and cry. The feeling of betrayal hits me like a knife. I walk out of the car, locking it with a swift movement. Reaching for the doorknob, however not opening the door, I get pulled back by a force.

“Let go!” I shout, kicking and screaming. I dig my heel of my shoe into the person’s figure, and I hear a wince of pain. 

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