Chapter 20: The Revelation of the Secrets.

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Eleven o’clock rolled up, and the guests started pouring out.

“See ya, girlies!” I wave, as Sarah, Paris and Kirsty, being the last guests, leave the house.

“Wow, going to bed at 8:30 last night and 11 tonight.” Charlie yawns, chuckling afterwards.

“Bit of a comparison.” I smile, chuckling. “Ma, we’ll clean up tomorrow yeah?”

Mum nods, kissing me on the forehead. “You were amazing today, speaking when none of us could. I’m so proud to have a daughter like you.”

Luckily, Paige wasn’t in the room to hear that.

“Thanks ma.” I smile, walking to Charlie’s side. He wraps an arm around me, and we begin to walk back into my room.

I pull out an Avengers singlet and a pair of shorts, about to walk into the bathroom when Charlie pulls me around.

“I’ll go in the bathroom.” He offers, bringing his clothes off his bed.

“Knock before you leave.” I say, as he enters the bathroom.

“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” He says, closing the door.

I quickly change, paranoid that Charlie would come out at any moment.

Three knocks, followed by a cough fill the room. “Decent?”

I nod, pulling my legs into the bed covers.


“I nodded!” I shout.

“Olivia, I can’t see you, remember?” Charlie says, walking out the door and into my room. “Twice in a day, tsk, tsk, tsk.”

‘Shut up and come here.” I demand, and Charlie does as I say,

He was dressed in the same attire as last night, boxers and nothing else.

“Are we cuddling again tonight?” He jokes, pulling the covers over his body.

“Up to you.” I smile, facing him. 

“Can I ask a question?”

I nod, sitting up and resting my back against the bedhead.

“I’m going to try and word this as best as I can.” He starts off. “What happened between you and Paige?”

I sigh, rubbing the spot between my eyebrows. “I’d rather not say here. You know, she’s in the room next door. Why don’t we, uh, sneak out?”

“Miss Perfect wanting to sneak out?” He jokes.

I roll my eyes, hating that he thought I was perfect. I’m not, it’s unnatural to be perfect.

“I’m not perfect.” I say, grabbing my Doc Martens off the floor and pulling my hair up in a high bun. “To the lake?”

Charlie nods, pulling on a hoodie and some track pants and grabbing his sneakers. “I look like a dag, sorry.”

“You look fine, and you call me insecure.” I joke, walking quietly out of the hall.

Charlie follows, and we make it to the front door when we hear more footsteps behind us.

“Where do you two think you’re going?” My mother’s voice says, and I turn around, grasping onto Charlie’s forearm.

“U-uh, for a walk. We couldn’t sleep, still hyped up…” I begin to trail off.

‘And you thought you had to sneak out?” Mum chuckles, walking into the loungeroom. “Do I have to wait up, or do you have a key?”

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