Chapter 27: November 24th.

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“I’m flicking through the pages, I’ve written in my memories.”

It’s been ten minutes, 600 seconds, 1/6th of an hour, since Olivia entered the surgery room, and although everything is distraught because I haven’t slept for the past 72 hours, I still refuse to leave the plastic hospital chairs.

“Okay, Mr Adams and Mr Highton, Dr Cambridge has demanded that you leave at once.” The nurse says, her voice raising loudly.

“I don’t want to leave.” I mumble, crossing my arms across my chest while I wait another hour and fifty minutes for her surgery to be over. “I’ve waited in this exact chair,” I point to the waiting room chair that I am sitting on, “for six hours before.” I say, crossing my arms once more. “I think I can wait another hour and fifty minutes.”

The nurse sighs, and considering the fact that she’s told us to leave for the third time now, I don’t really blame her.

“But Mr Adams, Dr Cambridge won’t allow visitors until tomorrow night.” She says, still plastering a sickly sweet, fake smile on her face.

Well that would’ve been factual information ten minutes ago, you stupid dimwit.

“Fine.” I say between gritted teeth, standing up from my seat. “C’mon Gordie.”

We both walk out of the hospital, the cool Fall wind hitting my arms, causing the bumps that are known and goosebumps to evolve along upper arm

“You really love her, don’t ya?” Gordie asks, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I nod, staring at my shoes. “She means the world to me.”

I can just imagine saying that to her. Her little nose would scrunch up in disgust with her voice ringing “that’s so cliché!” and the roll of her eyes. But I see her smile after she dobs me in for being cliché.

God, I’d kill to see her smile once again. And not just that stupid smile that was fake, I wanted the real smile, the smile before Jordan saw us kissing and had to blabber it to his brother Chad.

We walk a couple of paces when all of a sudden it dawns on me, that it was my fault that she was in hospital.

I stop in my tracks, blocking out the busy traffic of London, and grab onto Gordie’s wrist.

G: “What’s wrong, Charlie?”

C: “It’s my fault, Gordie.”

G: “Your fault? For what?”

C: “It’s my fault she’s in hospital!”

G: “Dude, you’re crazy. C’mon, man, let’s just-“

C: “No! If I didn’t kiss her, then Jordan wouldn’t have seen us!”

G: “Who’s Jordan?”

C: “Chad’s brother.”

G: “Since when?”

C: “Since forever.”

G: “I still don’t understand-“

C: “If I didn’t kiss Olivia at her house, at her father’s funeral, Jordan would not have seen us kissing, then he would not have told Chad, then Chad would not have hurt Olivia!”

There were a few moments of silence; the only sound I hear is my heavy breathes radiating throughout my body.

“Let’s get inside, Charlie.” Gordie concludes, beginning to walk up to the dreaded steps of Lonsdale College.

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