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A young Night Elven female leaned down by her unlit campfire. Her eyes showed a very haunted look as she watched the sparks fly from the stones she held in her hands, she smiled when the kindling finally caught and gently blew on the tiny flames until it grew to consume the twigs and finally the logs. She nodded and stood, her long and luxrious hair was free of being tied back and fell perfectly between her shoulders on her back and some infront of her shoulders she blinked and sighed as she reached for her pack where she pulled out some hard bread and an apple.

As she sat down to munch on the food. She let her mind wander, well she did until a voice called out for her. Her adoptive father was searching for her and she knew it would be no use to hide from him, he was after all the Archdruid. She closed her eyes as his voice called out once, "Miakoda!" He came into view of her campfire and smiled. "Mia, what are you doing out here?"

She looked to him and spoke, "Getting away from it." She spoke the truth. "I don't understand how you and mother can handle so many." She sighed as he sat next to her. His name, she had finally learned was Malfurion and the one she had referred to as mother was Tyrande.

"We've had many years of practice." He smiled but the smile did nothing to reassure the young Night Elf. "Miakoda, just come home when your ready. Your mother and I wish to give you something before you head out." He stood and smiled as he looked to her, "And I think you look beautiful with your hair down like that." He turned away and vanished into the shadows as she blinked several times.


Miakoda walked into the town through the secret way, it allowed her to avoid everyone to include the Night Elven males and females who were a shade cruel to her. She had taken to vanishing from sight to avoid unwanted attention and soon was at her adoptive parents doorstep. As she slipped in Tyrande waited for her. "Miakoda! Your late!" Her voice was stern and Mia flinched.

"Forgive me mother. I was trying to avoid unwanted attention." She spoke in apology to Tyrande.

"That is no excuse for being late. Come it is close to time for you to rest anyway. You have a long Night ahead of you tomorrow and your father and I wish to see you off. " Tyrande ushered her daughter to her bedroom and sighed once Malfurion came forward. "She is restless."

"She watched her family being slaughtered before her own eyes, she has a dark vengeance in her heart that will condemn​ her to a path where we cannot follow."

"I just don't want her to end up meeting Illidan and following him to her own destruction." Tyrande sighed with tears in her eyes.

"But that is the path Elune has chosen for her is it not?"

"It is."

"Then all we can do is hope that she can be redeemed before the darkness consumes her completely." Malfurion pulled Tyrande close and held her.

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