Chapter 5

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"Malfurion have you seen Miakoda?" Tyrande asked as Malfurion walked in.

"No, I haven't seen her for the past couple of days." He explained confused as a runner came up.

"The Burning Legion has returned!" The runner left just as quickly as she had come and Both looked to each other.

"That explains where she went to."


Miakoda raced towards the Tomb of Sargaras, she had to find Illidan and stop the invasion. She was easily able to avoid the Alliance and Horde factions that had just come to battle the first wave with their leaders in tow and headed right towards where Illidan's energy signature was coming from. One of her blades sliced the air in front of her as she raced towards the Tomb where rumored held that it was where he was now. "The Legion's numbers are many and to battle them in full you must know how they work." Illidan's voice echoed in her mind as she raced towards the area. He had been her greatest teacher and now her most loving equal. She had to reach him and soon; as she reached the Tomb she jumped into some bushes, slipped into some shadows and folded her wings closed, she listened in as the demons spoke and as she was faded from view she listened uninterrupted.

Using her Spectral Sight she saw what no others could see and turned her gaze towards the tomb. Demons poured forth from the maw of the Tomb and at the top she could almost, almost, make out the faint outline of Illidan and a few others. Looks like I will have to fight my way through. She remained hidden and backed up even further when she sensed an approching Demon and was surprised to see two former Demon Hunters walk by and once more she listened in to what they were saying.

"Illidan was a fool! Nothing is more perfect then being among the numbers of the Legion!"

"Yes, the Legion has everything we could have hoped for. We eve- someone is watching brother."

Miakoda was swift to slaughter them before she continued on her way. They are not the only ones who are here. Many former Demon Hunters are here, I have no friends among the fallen. She thought as she came to a stop in the underbrush again. What is going on? She watched as the laughter of the demons sounded towards her left and was shocked to see that they surrounded one of the Night Elf Druids. She was swift to eradicate the circle of demons and, kneeling down, she turned to the heavily injured druid. "What are you doing here?" She asked as she looked him over.

"I was searching for you...Archdruid Malfurion... He has been captured and is trapped in the..." But he never finshed his words as he took his last breath.

"Damn..." Miakoda huffed as she picked him up and spread her wings, looking to the Tomb with a slicing regret through her heart. "I cannot rescue you at this time my love. I need to find Father then I will return." She took to the skies and vanished just as more demons reached the area, that she had been in just minutes ago and they looked for her but with no success.


Miakoda landed softly upon the ground, her wings not making a sound as they folded in, she held the body of the dead druid and looked up to see that the Night Elf sentinels had seen her land and were coming to investigate, upon recognizing her two guided her to Tyrande while two others went ahead to announce Miakoda's arrival. "Place this upon yourself. We have allies who are not used to seeing those like you, my lady." Miakoda placed the body of the dead Night elf upon what was classified as a swift saber cat and placed the cloak around her shoulders making sure to fold her wings in tight to her body. She then took the body back into her arms and they entered the encampment. She felt all eyes turn to her and could gather from the different energies that both factions, Alliance and Horde, were sitting here at this time. A pure energy came from before her and she knew that Tyrande was racing her way.

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