Chapter 7

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Miakoda looked towards the cave. She could 'sense' the horde of demons and bared her teeth in a frowning snarl. "Commander?"

"There is a small horde of demons within that cave. Show no mercy, slaughter each one the way they slaughtered our people!" Miakoda pointed towards the cave and the Illidari member nodded and rallied the others towards the cave, destroying the illusion and the sound of battle rang sweetly through the area. Mia smiled and turned away to usher the other Illdari to another cave to repeat the process.  This was repeated several times over as the groups of ten went into the seven caves to mutilate the demons with a vengeance that had been reserved for years.

"Miakoda Songwing!" The voice of Illidan Stormrage echoed as he landed nearby, "What is the status of your conquest?"

"The demons are being eradicated as we speak, they will soon know of the vengeance we harbor for what they caused so long ago."

"Good." Illidan nodded as she turned away to face an eighth and final cave. "Take this one along with the elites that are assigned to you. The demon within has something vital to our cause and I only trust you to fetch it." He told her as she saluted him.

"As you command, Lord Illidan!" She spoke as she closed her eyes allowing him to leave unnoticed.


Miakoda's 'eyes' snapped open. That day had been the one to change her life completely; she had managed to get to the main demon within the cave, an Imp Mother, and after battling the literal bitch for three hours straight she had finally killed her but she had not gotten away unscathed. Miakoda's fingers traced lightly over the scar that had taken over three weeks to heal, much to her irk and to Illidan's rage. He had not been mad at her for it but at the fact that the demon had managed to land a blow on one of his top Illidari. She had begged him to forgive her, but that had not been necessary as he knew that things like that could not always be avoided.

"Lady Miakoda?" A Miarri came walking up and Mia turned to her.

"Report." Miakoda turned to the Blood Elf female.

"Malfurion is within the area, but so too is Cenarius. What shall we do?" She asked as Mia though over the plan. They had moved into the area under the cover of night and had surrounded the Grove where Malfurion was said to be held.

"What about our prisoner? Has he spilled any more information?"

"None, he refuses to speak."

"Then I will make him speak. Have him prepared! He will speak wither he wants to or not." Miakoda's voice held a hint of her irritation at the fact that the prisoner, a Satyr they had captured with surprise on their side, was not telling where Malfurion was being held and so Miakoda would resort to means known only to the Miarri, Illidari and demons. Satyrs were creatures that she despised with her own form of disgust but she had used several in the past for her own means and this one would not be the first nor last one to suffer at her hands.


"Please!" He begged as she looked to him, the Satyr was begging for mercy but he would receive none. "I'll tell you just... please stop!"

"Where is Malfurion Stormrage?" Mia growled her wings spread wide as the creatures eyes went wide. He quickly  spilled the location of the Archdruid and Mia smiled wickedly as she turned away.

"Am I allowed to go now?" He asked, his already red fur tinged with his black blood.

"Yes, but not the way you think." Mia turned on a dime and fast then anyone could see, she shoved her weapon into his heart killing him and absorbed his demonic soul. "Dispose of the remains!" She called out as she left the area to write to her mother.

"Lady Miakoda, how will we rescue Malfurion?" An Illidari asked as Mia stopped.

"We will 'pursue' Cenarius to the general location; though he is, well was, Malfurion's former teacher, he will be our best bet into getting into the Emerald Nightmare if that's where Malfurion truly is. Prepare to move out! We will take the fight to the demons and we will not rest until Malfurion is with Tyrande and Lord Illidan is back home!" She hollered out as cheers followed in her wake. Her wings were itching to fly but she remained on the ground and as she walked her thoughts slowly drifted to Illidan and a nudge had her, at first, looking around her, but when it was prompted again she closed her eyes and was met with her beloved once more.

"Miakoda." He said pulling her close, his wings wrapping around her in a loving embrace.

"Illidan. I miss you!" She felt herself giving into her feelings as he held her. She knew his soul from every other and this was his true comforting embrace.

"I know, I can sense your longing to be near me." He smiled as she looked to him.

"I lead the Illidari but it is not the same without you. You are the true leader not me."

"Ah but that's where your wrong Mia, I have been watching and you have lead them well. I know I have chosen the right woman to be my mate this time." He smiled reassuringly, he kissed her quickly and she let him pull her close.

"Are we truly safe doing this?"

"The demons cannot communicate through this way it is impossible for them to. Our souls are connected that is how and why we can."

"I understand now." Mia nodded as she let him hold her. "But something I do not understand is why you saved me from that demon all those years ago."

Illidan frowned as he thought it over. "Something urged me to protect you. Something told me that you are the one to be at my side till the end of time. I can't say what it was exactly but I felt the need and I acted upon it."  He wrapped her chin in his hand and gently forced her to look at him. "And I would do it all over again. Return here when your body sleeps after your raid of the Emerald Nightmare. I promise my energy will protect you whilst you hunt in the Nightmare and when you come back here after I have something special planned. But first" She frowned but he smile before he placed a hand on her forehead, she felt a slight sting then she looked to him, "The spell I have just placed on you will allow me to see through your eyes, communicate with you and after you enter the Nightmare, it will allow me to appear to you as a spirit." This time his smile had her nod and she returned to her body, wondering what he had meant by return later when she slept; but for the moment she looked to the ancient tree that housed the Emerald Dream and the Emerald Nightmare, Shaladrassil. Though she was not a Druid, Miakoda swore she could hear the tree crying out in pain as the corruption deepened. Mia frowned as she watched the demonic energy flow though and into the tree, but what surprised her the most was how much it pained her to see how heavily the corruption was, something in her seemed to flinch and she could sense Illidan doing just that. 

Mia knew what had to be done and looked to the Illidari and Miarri who waited her command. "Find Cenarius but do not let him know you are there, if he happens to capture you I will come in from the sky and the chase will begin." Mia told them as they saluted and disappeared, she looked towards the tree once more and frowned as the wind moved her hair towards her right; She spread her wings and after the shadows had gathered around her, she leapt into the sky where she waited for the signal that showed that Cenarius had been found.

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