Chapter 6

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Night began to fall as everyone settled down to rest. Miakoda looked out over the land lost in her thoughts as Tyrande came in with Mia's cloak. "Please be careful," Tyrande watched as Miakoda took her cloak and wrapped it about her once more. "If what the Vision I shared with Elune is true, your father may be corrupted along with Cenarius."

"I doubt that very much mother." Miakoda spoke as she looked in her mother's direction.

"Malfurion was almost corrupted once before, Miakoda."

"I remember but he is still able to be saved and once he is I will send him back to be at your side, then I will continue to find a way to reach Illidan."

"You don't plan to return home?" Tyrande asked with sadness clear in her eyes.

"No, I am different from all of you and I now belong at Illidan's side." Miakoda looked away from Tyrande who watched her with tears in her eyes. "Just remember you will always be welcome."

"I will mother." Miakoda and Tyrande embraced for the final time to come and with that Miakoda turned and left the encampment with several followers and several Illidari who were still true to the ways of Illidan's teachings. They would rescue Malfurion, if it was possible, and then head towards the Tomb to rescue Illidan from the clutches of Gul'dan.


Miakoda sighed as they made camp for the coming day. They were headed towards where Malfurion had been trained in the art of Druidism and she could only hope that he could be saved once more. When she 'looked' around nothing appeared out of place but her instincts told her otherwise. Something was off, "Lady Miakoda," the voice of one of the Illidari came walking up. "We have scouted and we have found nothing out of the usual." by usual he meant no extreme demonic signatures at this time.

"Good, I still want one Illidari and one Miarri to patrol to keep an eye out incase a demon comes along. Switch every hour so none become to tired, I will plan out the attack to free my father." Miakoda dismissed the Illidari scout who bowed and left her alone to think things over. She closed her 'eyes' but upon reopening them she saw Illidan before her.


"I felt your distress, what is happening?" He asked as he took her spiritual form in his arms to wrap his wings around her in a loving embrace.

"I will not lie, a dire situation has arose. Malfurion has been captured and is being corrupted within the Emerald Nightmare..." Miakoda frowned as Illidan became still as a statue. "Illidan?"

"My own brother becoming corrupted? This is ill news indeed. What is being done to save him?"

"I am leading those still loyal to you and my own followers to where he is to free him before its to late, if we can make it on time..." Mia closed her eyes trying to control the roiling emotions within, but a kiss from Illidan brought her back to her senses.

"Do not lose yourself, my dear. I know you and the force you are leading will be able to save him."

"But will it be in time? As my adoptive father I fear for him, but also as a future brother I fear that I may end up being too late."

"You won't be. Just do what is needed and I will return to you soon, I promise." Illidan kissed her upon the lips then left her as her eyes reopened to the world her physical body rested in.

"I will do my best Illidan, to save Malfurion and then rescue you." Miakoda promised to herself and her lover.

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