Chapter 8

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A cry of surprise caused the winged night elven female to look over and smile, "You are found Cenarius." She grinned as she flew towards the cries; She reached out her warglaives and when she landed the Illidari who had almost become plant food was safe once more. She looked towards the corrupted energy signature and grinned, "We meet again Elder."

"You have changed much child," Cenarius spoke as Miakoda stood her wings waving out behind her as she continued to smile.

"Not as much as you. I seek to not waste time, tell me: Where is Malfurion?" She growled as the changed Cenarius frowned.

"I will not give his position away so easily, child." With that he reared up and turning, took off for the ancient tree.

"Illidari! Miarri! AFTER HIM! HE WILL LEAD US TO MALFURION!" Miakoda shouted as shadows gathered around her to allow her to take flight. As the chase began, a memory made itself know and the demon inside of her squirmed signalling that it too remembered it as Illidan took interest.


"Illidari," Illidan spoke as Miakoda and roughly twenty Illidari gathered around their Lord. "Today we hunt a demon, a pit lord." Growls and hisses sounded as Mia wrinkled her nose in a silent snarl, at the same time thunder sounded in the distance. "This will be a challenge as he is heavily guarded and I will only take ten of you on this mission." Mia did not have wings in this memory but as she watched her Lord he continued to speak. "Are there any volunteers?"

"I will go my Lord!" Miakoda spoke first, her need to slay the Pit Lords was unquenched and Illidan smiled. Illidan looked to the others who waited, and soon nine others spoke up. When all were gathered Illidan opened a portal and they entered with him close behind, He directed several towards an area to knock out some demons and Miakoda swiftly slayed several others  by herself as he approached. Just as they prepared to move forward Illidan was hit and sent reeling, "Lord Illidan!" She called out as he landed heavily upon his right shoulder, barely missing his wing. She turned to face the pit lord who swung at her with his weapon and managed to block it with her own warglaives, though she did slid back some. She lunged forward and slashed at the demon over and over until finally one of her glaives split the pit lords skull open. The pit lord's soul was soon visible and Illidan spoke.

"This was your kill Miakoda. Take the soul." He commanded her as she nodded, but it was this same soul that changed her outward appearance. Its energy constricted around her and she ground her teeth, then for the second time she could remember since her initiation into the Illidari, everything went black.


Miakoda growled at the memory as she flew after Cenarius only to see a black and red Satyr and spotted Malfurion near him trapped. NO! It cannot be! Miakoda stopped mid- and ordered the Illidari and Miarri to stop. "Go towards the tree! Near the roots stands a Satyr with the Archdruid!"

"Hold Miakoda and demon hunters! I will free Malfurion." a familiar voice spoke as Mia turned to see none other then Ysera coming her way. "Go, focus on rescuing Illidan from Gul'dan." Ysera stopped and smiled at Miakoda. "And always remember that you are welcome to the emerald Dream, young Kodak." Ysera continued on as Mia and the Demon Hunters watched as she approached the Great Tree.

Miakoda saw then something flying towards Ysera and cried out her name just as the item made contact with the mighty green dragoness. "YSERA!" tears filled Miakoda's eyes as the beloved dragoness fell from the sky and became a corrupted version of herself. "Ysera...." Miakoda felt her heart drop and the unshed tears stung her eyes as Illidan's surprise came rolling over her, while Ysera roared out in pain. Miakoda went and landed on the ground as the Demon Hunters tried to regain themselves after the shock of seeing the dragoness fall to corruption, It was then Illidan told her to leave that area. "Illidari... Miarri... There is nothing more we can do here, let us go find a place to set up a base of operations to rescue lord Illidan." with that they left the area to find a place to set up for their coming plans. Miakoda looked towards the Tree once to see Ysera watching her but Mia took to the sky and flew after the Demon Hunters, tears stinging her eyes.


A/N: Sorry for the late update everyone. Times have been rough on me and Its hard to stay focused on my stories when I can only use my smartphone as my laptop turned to poo on me and I'm broker then a joke so I can't afford a whole new desktop setup and sure cant afford the Legion expansion for WoW nor the internet. So please bear with me until I can.

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