Chapter 1

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A yawn escaped Miakoda as she boarded the ship bound towards the Dark Portal. She was heading into the Outlands and as the ship sailed she looked towards the shire once more to see Tyrande and Malfurion watching. She felt tears sting her eyes but knew that both were proud of her. "Lady Miakoda?" The ship's captain spoke as soon the shore became a dot on the horizon. "There is a bed ready for you for when you are ready to take your rest." Miakoda nodded her thanks as the captain walked away. She closed her eyes and knew that it was now that her journey started to gain vengeance on the Burning Legion. Finally.


Miakoda raced towards the portal it was closing and she managed to leap through just in the nick of time. Her twin blade swords struck out at the demons that charged her and she was giddy about the battle as they were. "Bring it!" She snarled as they swarmed her. She and her allies had driven them back to this point but only she had made it to the portal to see her vengeance through. She knew it would be years before the portal would be opened again but she was okay with that as she sliced through the ranks of demons until she came face to face with a Demon she had not seen before. She knew from its odd body shape that this was a Pit Lord and smiled. "Finally a challenger worth my time and skills."

"You will give up and give into us eventually, why prolong it?"

"Because, you demon scum killed my family and I will see you all suffer as they did. When my vengeance has been satisfied only then will I give up my life." She charged the Demon and dodged his incoming attack. He sent out minions and she slaughtered them all. Unknown to her and the Demons they had an audience watching from somewhere nearby. Soon Miakoda lost her weapons but still stood her ground. "Puny mortal. You have lost." The Pit Lord laughed mockingly at her as blood slid down from her forehead, Miakoda would not go down without a fight and narrowed her eyes at the creature.

"I have not lost, not while I still breath."


Malfurion and Tyrande were talking when a young Night Elf came running up out of breath. "Please forgive my interruption." She begged them.

"Calm yourself child, what has happened?" Tyrande asked as the Runner bowed before her.

"I bear grave news. Miakoda is lost to us."

Both Malfurion and Tyrande gasped. "How?"

"She jumped into the Dark Portal as it closed. We cannot reopen it no matter what we try."

"Then we will try harder!" Malfurion explained as he issued the young Night Elf away.


Miakoda was breathing hard now, the demons were starting to prove to much to take on by herself. But she would not give up nor give in, "Just give in already."

"Never!" She snarled, she felt his blade coming down at her but it never connected. Confused Mia looked to see a Night Elf with demonic wings, horns and hooves standing infront of her and the Pit Lord falling over dead. "Who are you?" She asked not so timidly as the male Night Elf turned to face her.

"I am Illidan Stormrage. Who are you." He spoke to her in a civil manner. She had a fiery soul for being able to fight so long against the demons like she had and was worthy of his time.

"Miakoda, Miakoda Songwing." She told him as she felt her adrenaline wear off. "Why did you protect me?"

"I will answer that later. For now you need rest you have lost much blood and need to regain your strength." Illidan spoke calmly. He scooped her up against her protests and cradled her close as he took to the sky and vanished.

Miakoda looked to Illidan, she had not told him that she had been raised by Malfurion and she believed it wise at this time. "Tell me why are you being so kind to me?"

Illidan looked to her, "There is something about you that I like. Something that tells me there is more to you then you let others know. It tells me that you should become one of my followers."

"Followers?" Mia asked as Illidan nodded.

"My followers call themselves the Illidari. They hunt the demons but with much more power as they too wield the demonic energies making us far more powerful then the demons." Miakoda thought this over. Illidan had been kind to her and she did owe him for saving her life. "What are you thinking? Do you wish to become an Illidari?"

"If you will have me, then I will gladly follow you." I owe him my life, that is a debt I must repay in someway. She watched him smile and he nodded.

"I will personally oversee your training." He smiled as she nodded. "Once you are fully healed your training will begin." Miakoda knew this was now her path and none would take her from it, not even Malfurion and Tyrande.

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