Chapter 5

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We all were just sitting, eating and talking when YN, Roc and Kayla walked in. Roc, Prince, Prod and I were looking confused. Especially when we saw that the girls were all giving smirks. "I'm guessing you all planed for us to meet here?..." I said looking at the girls "Yea" Savannah said "Pretty much" YN said while her and Roc were sitting at empty seats across from me and Savannah. And Kayla went to go sit by KayKay and Risa.

Then out if nowhere some fans came running in. Their was about 50 of them. "OMG IT'S MINDLESS BEHAVIOR!" One little girl shouted. "You forgot to call Carter for security?!" Prince yelled over the screaming girls "OH SNAP!" all the girls said at the same time. "Im calling Carter right now" Prod said while dialing a number on his phone. "I LOVE YOU PRODIGY!" another fan yelled. I picked up KayKay and pulled Savannah close so they wouldn't get bombarded by fans. Roc picked up Kayla and held YN close. Prod picked up Risa and held Brionna close. And Prince held Da'Vonia close.


OMFG these fans are crazy. "Damn! Prod, tell Carter we'll need some extra security!" I yell over the crowd of fans that was growing By the minute. They were taking pics and throwing stuff like THONGS! Like wth?! We got kids with us! "Aight" prod said, still on the phone. A couple mins passed and in comes Carter and like 7 other familiar security guards. They pushed threw the hundreds of screaming girls with pepper spray and tazers (sp) in hand. They got to us and helped us out of the building and into a limo, safe.

"Whoa that was close!" YN said with relief in her voice. "Y'all almost got us killed!" Prince exclaimed "We didn't know TM was gonna be all like that" Brionna said. "Y'all KNOW they always crazy" I said. "Truuu" YN said in a 2 Chainz voice. -_- "We just didn't think it through" Savannah said. "Forgive us?..." YN said with puppy dog eyes looking at me. " LMAOO, really YN!" I said laughing at her face, but she was serious. "You are forgiven" I said and hugged her, in a FRIENDLY way :/


AHHAAAHH! When he hugged me I just melted in his arms. There so muscular and yea... Okay enough of his arms. But still...damn. "YAY" I said in a happy tone. "YN what about my surprise you promised?!" Kayla asked "Oh yeah, hey Roc can you ask the driver to take us to an ice cream place?" He nodded his head and went towards the front and asked. "YNs getting us Ice cream" Kayla told Risa and KayKay "YAAAY" all three of them screamed in annoying little girl voices.

During the drive to the Ice cream Parlor, everyone made small talk. Roc and I were talking. "So have you talked to your parents lately?" He asked me "Nope, not sense they left." "Well don't you think they would want you to call?" "Your right, Im gonna call them now" I grabbed my phone from my pocket, unlocked it. My password was 'Chresanto' :) any way I called my momma. It rang 2wice before she answered.

YMN- "Hey YN! Nice of you to call, what you been up to?"
YN- "Nothing much, me Roc and Kayla been hanging, ya know since it's the weekend"
YMN- "That's goo-" before she could finish I herd my dad yell " NO BOYS OR PARTIES RIGHT?!" in the background. I rolled my eyes.
YN- "Yeeess dad, no boys or parties" I dragged. My mom just laughed
YMN- ok dear, we have to go now, love you! Oh and Chresanto, look out for YN and Kayla alright?..."
Roc and I looked confused, how did she know Roc was with me?...
ROC- "ummm, yes ma'am"
YMN- "Ok, and tell the others I said hi"
YN- yes ma'am. Love you"
YMN- "you too" and she hung up.


"Glad that's over with. But how the hell did she know we are all together?..." I asked confused "YN girl you know moms are spying geniuses!" Da'Vonia said getting all serious "Whatever! Lol your so lame, and no one is spying on us!" I said laughing. "My parents wouldn't do that." Smh. I looked out the window and noticed that it was taking a long time to get to our destination. "Roc why is it taking so long to get to the Ice Cream parlor?!" I asked "Oh the driver said he's taking us to one far out. one with not so much people so there HOPEFULLY won't be any fans, so it might be a long ride." "Ohh okay" I said laying my head in his chest and eventually falling asleep in his arms.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Heyyy! You guys don't comment :( like can you? Plz but follow me on IG/ @midlessmarisa -❤ TM

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