Chapter 13

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Roc's POV

I pulled up at the Interscope building and parked. It's our label. I walked in the building and huffed when I saw Jessica at the front desk. She's a hoe, always trynna get at me and the boys. I started walking fast past the front desk and to an elevator. "Heeey Rocky!" She said in a baby voice. "Shut the fuck up!" I said before pushing the 'up' button outside the elevator. "You kno-" then Prince walked in. "Hey Papi!" She said to him twisting her hair and biting her lip. He rolled his eyes and walked over to me to wait for the elevator. "Sup" I said while giving him dap.

Then the elevator doors opened and we both got on. Every meeting was always on the 9th floor, then the 4th door on the right. When we got in the room, Walter, Ray, Prod, and Kenneth were there. We took seats at the big table. "Finally y'all here!" Walt said "Ayye I had to handle something with my Abuelita!" Prince exclaimed. "I was with YN." I said smiling "Speaking of YN, when are y'all gonna go out?!" Ray said. "We will!" I said deafeningly

"Okay, okay enough of the yelling." Walt said. We all got quiet and looked at him. "Alright so the reason were having this meeting is because.. Craig."he sighed. I looked at Prod and he was looking down at his phone being quiet. "What about Craig?" Prince said as if he wasn't in the room. Prod didn't even look up, he just zoned us out. "He's not gonna be in Mindless Behavior anymore." Walt said. Right when he said that we all started yelling out stuff and asking a bunch of questions.

"How can we Be Mindless Behavior with out Prod?! WTF" I said angry. "What about the fans?!" Prince said. "Yea!" Ray said. "We can just have an audition for a new member." Walt said, taking the situation lightly. "We can't just replace him, what about all those years we spent of working hard, getting to know each other and everything else!" I said. Getting angry "Right, if we got a new member then it wouldn't be fair... Not to Prod, Team Mindless or us! I'm sure the new member hasn't worked as hard as us to get to where we are now has he?!" Prince said. Walt got quiet.

"It's all my mommas fault..." Prod spoke. We all looked at him. "How?" I asked confused. How could something like this be Mamma Wanda's fault? "I mean... I love my momma but, she's being a bitch." Prod said calmly. "I don't wanna leave but I have no choice, it's her decision and I have to respect that. Plus I'm not 18 yet soo..." He trailed off.

Damn. I got up and walked out, just can't take anymore shit. I herd Walt calling my name but i kept walking down the hall and to the elevator. I went home and saw cars in YN's driveway. I was mad about what just happened so I didn't pay it any mind.


After Roc left I called Da'Vonia, Savannah and Brionna because I was bored out of my mind! And since it's been awhile since we've talked, We decided to meet at my house. They all came over and I got us some drinks and popcorn. We're in my room talking and catching up.

"Yea and the LMPD told us we had three hundred and sixty five search days. That basically means that, if they don't find Des and Jacob within a year then they will drop the case and they could get away with rape." I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"WHAT?! that's dumb af and not fair at all!" Da'Vonia said angrily.

"I know!" I said "But can we get off this subject, it makes me sick to my stomach."

"We get out of High school in 2 months! Turn Up!" Savannah said

"Yass! Speaking of that, I got accepted into UCLA!" I said smiling hard

"Ahh me too!" Savannah said

"North ridge!" Brionna said

"San Fransico State!" Da'Vonia said.

We all started laughing at the random out burst. "And the boys are taking a break from MB, for college right?..." I asked eating my popcorn

"Yep, that's what Ray told me." Savannah said

"I hope they don't lose fans because of this." Da'Vonia said worriedly

"They won't!" I said "Think about it, if they take off for what?.... 4-8 years you think people will still remember them...." Brionna asked raising an eyebrow

"Depends on if they go out with a BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG!" I sung getting up from my bed and dancing around.

"AYE speaking of bang bang bang!! Savannah yelled over me. I stopped and listed to her. "What's up with you and Roc?!" She asked smirking. They all smirked and I turned my head hiding my blushing. "Ahhh she's blushing!!" Da'Vonia yelled while poking my sides. "Stop! I'm not blushing!" I laughed. "You gotta crush or nah?" Brionna asked.

"Ok it's time for y'all to leave! I said while pulling on Savannah's arm. "Nope I'm not leaving till you tell us!" She smiled. I let go and yelled "IM IN LOVE WITH CHRESANTO AUGUST!!" They all started laughing and making their way out my room.

I followed then down the stairs and we were at the front door when my parents walked in. " Oh hey you all!" My momma said hugging them all. My dad just waved and made his way to the kitchen. "Hey Mrs.YLN" they said. "So did y'all Turn it up?" She asked smiling. I shook my head at her. "No momma it's Turn up, if you're gonna say it, say it right please!" "Yes, please." Savannah said laughing. "ANYWAY, I'll Oovoo y'all later aight?" "K, bye!" They all said walking out the front door
I went to my room and took a shower and got in the bed.

Ever since that incident happened, I haven't gone anywhere or done anything really. Because I know if I did, then it would be too much, with TM and paparazzi and just crazy people.

Desiree POV

So it's official, I'm Pregnant with Chresanto's baby! :) when I have this baby he'll have no choice but to give me his money and attention! Rn Jacob and I are living in a hotel in New York. Hes getting on my last but im only doing this to get Roc back. And we both don't like that YN and him are together so I have to.

I was sitting out on the balcony, smoking a blunt enjoying the late night view. I know I shouldn't be smoking but I don't care, It feels good. I take my last puff before putting it in the ashtray and walking back in the room. Jacobs not here he went to get some groceries.

I was sitting in bed flipping through the channels when he walks in with a hand full of bags. I glare at him as he puts then away. "Damn des I thought I told to quit smoking in here!" He yells at me. Exactly what I meant by him getting on my last... Think he's running shit. "I didn't smoke in here, I was smoking on the balcony." I say calmly

"Well I can smell it i-" " OH THE F*** WELL JACOB! STOP BITCHING ALL THE DAMN TIME! ITS NOT THAT SERIOUS!" I snapped. He looked at me shocked but I could tell he was trying to hide it. He started walking towards me and he slapped me hard. I held the left side of my face and got up from the bed. This nigga think imma let him hit me and get away with it! I chucked and slapped him back harder.

He did have more muscle than me but I don't care, he ain't bouta just put his hands on me. He slowly looked back at me and punched me in my jaw like I'm some kind of man. Oh he took it too far! I fell to the ground and held my face. Tears started rolling down my face as I tried to regain myself. Then I felt him picking me up by my neck choking me, he slammed me against the wall and got in my face. "You wanna have Rocs baby, and get all his money right?" he says evilly in my ear.

I struggle to get some air while holding onto his hands. "RIGHT?!" He yells in my face, tightening his grip on my neck. "Y-yes" I struggle to get out. "Then I suggest you stop acting up and listen to me. Do you understand?" Once again I struggle to get it out "Y-yes." He let's go of me and fall to the ground gasping for air.

Comment please. Ik it's boring :( just wait tho!

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