Chapter 12

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I scream out in pain as Jacob drags me down the hall by my hair. The tears are running down my face, and I grab onto his arm begging him to let me go. He throws me into the bathroom, and I fall onto the cold tile, smacking my head against the edge of the tub. I curl up into a ball, hoping to get away from him, but he yanks me to my feet.

"You thought I wouldn't find out?" Jacob whispers. He shakes my shoulders roughly, and I cry out in fear. "You thought your friends wouldn't let it slip that you were planning on moving out?"

I grab onto his arms, sobbing loudly. He grabs my face roughly so that I'm forced to look at him. The tears are falling down my face harder, and he smirks in satisfaction.

"You thought I wouldn't find out about Roc?"

"He's just a friend," I cried. "Baby, it wasn't anything. Baby, I promise."

He shoves me back, and I fall into the tub. My head slams against the wall, and I grabbed it screaming out in pain. Jacob hovers over me pinning my arms above my head. I thrashed around, but he slapped me immediately causing me to freeze. His hands reach for his belt buckle, and I cried as he slid my shorts down.

"Jacob, stop!" I screamed. "Jacob!"

"Shut up!" His fist connected with my jaw.

I open my mouth to scream out again, but he slammed himself inside of me. I cried out attempting to push him away from me. His arms wrapped around me, trapping me underneath him. I buried my face in his chest so that I wouldn't have to see his face. He felt raw inside of me, and I screamed in pain. He finished quickly taking the extra time to sloppily kiss me. I stared at him in fear as he stood up. His massive body towered over me making me well aware of how much I was trapped by him.

"Get up," he said. "I want you in bed soon," he moved to leave, but stopped to look back at me. "If you aren't there in five minutes, I'll come get you myself."

I gasp loudly awaking from another nightmare. I sit up in my bed and look around my room but its really dark. I feel around for my phone. I pick it up from underneath my cover. It says 2:35am. I sigh lowly holding back tears. I can't sleep... Not with out Roc. I call him hoping he'd answer. After the 2nd ring, surprisingly he does. "YN" he says lowly. I don't say anything. "I'm coming, hold on." He hung up. He's only next door but I'd feel safe if he was here with me.

It's been a month and they still haven't found them. The LMPD (Los Angeles Police Department) said we have 365 search days. That means if they don't find them within a year, then the case will be closed and they can get away with rape! That just messed up. I've been counting down the days. My parents came back too. There not too happy about it either. We're supposed to be graduating in 2 months though. Can't really focus, I've been really stressed.

I was taken from my thoughts when i saw A dark figure standing in my door way. I knew it was Roc.I didn't even hear him come in the house though. He started walking towards my bed. I turned on my lamp and looked up at him. I screamed loud in fear "LEAVE ME ALONE JACOB!" when I saw it was Jacob. I closed my eyes tight and backed up on my bed "SHHHH, calm down." he said while trying to comfort me. I started hitting him and yelling "No! Get away from me!" "YN it's me!" I looked up with tears in my eyes, only to see it was Roc.

Then my Mom came in my room. "Another nightmare?" My mom asked, coming to my bed to comfort me also. "Yea." I say with a shaky voice. "It's alright Ma, I'll stay with her." Roc says to her in a reassuring voice. She hesitated a bit then spoke. "Ok.. You too Just try to get some rest ok." "Yes ma'am." Roc and I say in unison. She kissed both of our heads and walked out.

"Chres it was terrible!" I say just above a whisper. "It was only a nightmare, let's go to sleep." He says while getting under the covers and pulling me close. He whipped away my tears and wrapped his arms around me. We lay there in silence, and feel asleep to the sounds of each others heartbeats.

Roc's POV
Next day

YN was quietly scrolling through Instagram, she looked so peaceful. I picked up a pillow from her bed and threw it at her. Her phone slips out her hand and falls onto the bed. She slowly turns and heads over in my direction, when another blow to the face stops her.

"Roc," she yells eyeing me. Now standing in front of her trying to look innocent.

"What," I shrug, then I smack her again with the pillow.

"Oh now you're going to pay," she smirks grabbing the nearest pillow. She lunges at me, but i hit her first. She can't help but laugh as I begin attacking her with the pillow.

"Roc. Stop," she giggles between hits. I stop for a moment long enough for her to knock me over. She scrambles to her feet and begins pounding me with the pillow.

"Alright alright," I laugh shielding my face from her blows. She loses her balance slipping and falling on me.

We both were laughing so hard my sides began hurting. She rolled over so that she was lying next to me. "I love you big head," she giggled kissing me on the forehead.

"I love you too," I replied wrapping my arm around her waist. "I won though."

"No you didn't," she snapped plucking me on the forehead. "You lost. I had you pinned to the floor."

I rolled my eyes at her. "Whatever," I responded. "I'm gonna win next time."

"You're on!"


I love how he makes me happy even when things aren't going so great!

"I love you," Roc whispered, wrapping his arms around me burying his face in my neck.

"I love you too," I smiled, giggling at how his breath was tickling my neck.

"Really?" he asked pulling away from me sharply.

"Why do you seem so surprised?" I asked raising my eyebrows at him.

He looked away shyly. "I thought I had lost the race to your heart," he admitted. "I thought Ray had won."

"Ray?" I laughed. "Ray and I are just friends. Well... Idk, after what he did!" I rolled my eyes remembering how he really embarrassed me awhile back.

I watched Roc sigh in relief. I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer. "There was no competition. You always had my heart. Maybe I don't tell you this enough, but I love you for you Chresanto," I began. "No one's like you, and no one treats me like you do."

I stand on my tippy toes, bringing my lips to his kissing him sweetly. "No one kisses me like you do. No one has me in the kitchen cooking for them like you do," I giggled, playing with his curls. "But most of all no one drives me crazy like you do."

"I drive you crazy?" He smirked raising his eyebrows at me.

"Always," I smiled. "But in a good way."

I picked up my phone from my bed and walked back over to Roc.

"Let's take some pics!" I say while pulling him in my bathroom.

We go and stand in my mirror, I snap away with my Camara. We both make silly faces and all the other faces and poses in the world lol.

"Aye send these to me!" He says as we go through them. "I will."

Then his phone starts ringing. He answers. "Hello?" I listen to their convo until he hangs up.

"I gotta go, Walt needs me and the boys to come to the Interscope building for a meeting. I'll text you later!"

"Ok. Later." I Sigh as he walks out my bathroom, out my room and out the house. I go downstairs and look out the window as he pulls off in his car. Damn, I miss him already, he makes me so happy. I just wish he would ask me out already! Then everything would be complete. I know he likes me, it's so obvious. Idk... He's moving to slow for me...

____________________________________________________________________ Looonng chapter since I haven't updated in a while! Comment and Vote plz! - mindlessmarisa ❤️

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