This Love

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Billie's POV

This couldn't be. Was I really in love with my best friend?

Truthfully...yes, I was. That would explain why I was always clinging to Emma, feeling that as long as I was with her, everything would be okay. It would also explain that warm, fuzzy feeling I always got when Emma touched me.

Realization flooded into me as I stood there, totally and completely stunned, staring blankly at Emma, as she stared blankly back at me. After several seconds of silence, I quickly lowered my eyes to the ground, unable to hold Emma's gaze anymore. It was then that Emma let out a sharp cry, and flung herself wildly into my arms. I caught her quickly, and pulled her warm body close to mine, as she let out a rattly breath and whispered, "Billie, I love you."

"I love you, too, Emma," I answered.

Emma let out a low sob, and stared intensely into my eyes for several long seconds, before wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing her soft lips against mine, as she enveloped me into the most passionate kiss I have ever known. Her small body was radiating some kind of energy that was foreign to me, but it was impossible for me to resist it. I pulled Emma closer to me and kissed her back, as I poured my undying passion into her body with my loving caress.

When Emma and I finally pulled away from each other, we were both so out of breath that we had to take huge, gasping breaths, as we lightly embraced each other, both of us breathing like a winded rhinoceros.

After several minutes of silence, Emma finally let go of me and backed up, still staring intently at me with those big eyes. "This is crazy," I said slowly, and Emma grinned.

"Yes," she said. "But it makes sense and I love it."

With that said, Emma put her small hand on my chest and pushed me into the railing, before she jumped on me and started kissing me again. I happily kissed her back, becoming slowly more aware of the fact that the two of us were sliding slowly down the railing. Finally, after several minutes of this, I found myself lying flat on my back on the hard wood surface of the pier, with Emma on top of me, still kissing me like there was no tomorrow. I happily kissed her back, too stuck on her {literally} to even care that we were making out in public. The only thing I wanted to do at that moment was to kiss her forever and ever, and nothing was going to stop me from doing that.

Emma's POV

"I think I've loved you for a long time, I've just never realized it until now," I said.

"Yeah, same here," Billie said.

We has stopped making out some five minutes ago, and we were now lying on the pier, with me resting my head on Billie's chest, as he gently ran his fingers through my long hair, humming slowly to himself.

"I guess I never thought I could fall in love with my best friend," I said.

"Is that weird?"

"No, because I was always the same way. Before, I would always look at you as Emma, my best friend. Nothing more than that. But my feelings for you have really changed over the past few weeks, it just took me a while to see it," Billie replied.

"I know what you mean," I said, and when Billie didn't reply, I simply sighed and closed my eyes.

I suddenly realized how alive I felt. I was totally aware of everything that was going on around me, starting with the shrill cries of the seagulls as they circled overhead, and the gentle slapping of the waves as they hit the dock, along with the smell of fish and salt water, right down to the fast, rhythmic beating of Billie's heart. Everything seemed to blend together in perfect harmony, and at that moment, I felt that all of us were one. The seagulls, the ocean, the pier, Billie, and me; we were not separate but whole. Living, breathing, and one.

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