Going To The Chapel And We're Going To Get...Married?

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Billie's POV

I woke up with a start, drenched in freezing cold sweat and breathing rather heavily as hot tears spilled down my face. My stomach was in knots, and I was shaking uncontrollably from head to toe. I stared blankly at the ceiling of the pitch dark room for several minutes, before I turned to the alarm clock that was sitting on top of my dresser; it read exactly four thirty-seven a.m. Great.

Trying to block out the unsettling flashbacks of the nightmare that had woken me, I slowly climbed out of bed and stumbled over to the bedroom door. After finding the doorknob with some difficulty, I opened the door and headed out into the hallway, still trying to make sense of my surroundings.

I stumbled into the bathroom, flipped the light on, and closed the door behind me. With a long sigh, I walked up to the sink and splashed a handful of cold water on my face. That woke me up. I stared blankly at my reflection in the mirror, wondering why my old nightmare had suddenly come back to haunt me. It had literally come out of nowhere. One second, I had been fast asleep, contentedly enjoying a dream about Emma and me together, something that seemed to occur more and more often nowadays, when my head had suddenly been filled with the old nightmare; the one where my suicide attempt was continuously replayed; razors, blood, screams and the whole bit.

I shuddered a bit, and ran a hand through my newly-dyed blonde hair. As I watched more tears pore down my pale face in the reflection of the mirror, I suddenly found myself wishing that Emma were there. She would make everything okay. She was always there to dry my tears when I needed her to. Wait...

I let out a gasp, and watched as my eyes grew large in the mirror. Then, with a sudden upwelling of inspiration, I wiped my eyes on the back of my sleeve, and hurried out of the bathroom, and back down the hallway to my bedroom. I flipped the light on, shut the door behind me, and bustled over to my dresser to dig out a notepad and a pen. With that, I grabbed Blue from one of the corners of the room, slung the strap over my shoulder, and sat down on the bed.

I sat there for a few long minutes, thinking deeply as I held the pen loosely in my hand, until finally something ignited in my head, and I connected pen to paper and began to write.

"Late last night I had a dream,
And she was in it again..."

Okay. So that was a decent start, I supposed. With a long sigh, I strummed on Blue a bit, and after coming up with a beat that seemed allright to start out with, I went back to writing, as I mumbled and sang to myself under my breath. "Me and her...no...she and I...were holding hands...flying up high? Oh, lord, that's horrible...um...she and I were in the sky? Flying hand in hand...yes, that's better."

Upon figuring that out, I scratched my head a bit, before letting out another long sigh. I began strumming on Blue again, as I sang along:

"Late last night I had a dream,
And she was in it again,
She and I were in the sky,
Flying hand in hand..."

I smiled to myself upon hearing what I had written. Yes...I liked it. I strummed on Blue a little more, and then went back to writing. "Um...I woke up drenched in sweat...covered...covered in sweat? No. I woke up in a cold sweat. There. Cold sweat. I woke up in a cold sweat, but she...wasn't there. No. She...was missed? No. Yuck. She wasn't by my side? Ugh...wait...I woke up in a cold sweat, wishing she was by my side. Yes. Perfect. Okay...If she was there she'd...comfort me...ew...she'd dry my eyes and sing me to sleep? Oh, my god, Billie, what are you thinking? No...she'd dry the tears on my face? Gr...yes...I woke up in a cold sweat, wishing she was by my side, praying...yes praying that she'll dry the tears, left on my face I've cried."

Yes, that was perfect. And so, upon getting to that point, I went back over the song once again, singing softly to myself as I played...

"Late last night I had a dream,
And she was in it again,
She and I were in the sky,
Flying hand in hand,

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