London, U.K.

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~ Lucy's POV ~

"There you have it folks," the booming announcer said over the radio. "One Direction has just swept the nation with their final performance wrapping up their Legacy tour. Let's pay a tribute to that."

Instinctively, I felt the guitar intro of What Makes You Beautiful before I even heard it. It was the song that made them so well known in the first place.

I ran my fingers through the late summer air as my mom drove me to the airport.

"I'm going to miss you," she said, her sad eyes on the road.

"I'll call mom," I said back, "Please don't worry about me."

I was about to leave California for a whole new world of my own.

London, England.

At least that's what my ticket said, encased in my passport.

I let all my thoughts wander as I metaphorically kissed the life I had known forever, goodbye - the sun and the sky, the beach and the waves.

Yeah. I was going to miss this place.

~ Harry's POV ~

I sat in a comfortable chair, well, moderately comfy chair, on the set of Giulli, one of the most watched talk shows in America.

"Wow," the hostess, Bria Giulli, stated. "What an eccentric ending to yet another tour."

The cameraman panned towards me and the other boys, and the atmosphere in the room soared.

"I think I speak for all four of us when I say that there's no place like California to end our tour," I said with my signature smile.

The boys nodded, and Niall stuck his head out.

"I just want to thank all of our fans, all across the world," he said in his distinctive accent, "for all the support we've received, since day one."

"So inspirational," Bria said, as she signed off with her signature line, "and that's today's show!"

The studio audience cheered, and I let out a sigh. The main difference between me and some of the other guys is that sometimes all the media drains me out.

But before I had a moment to reflect, there was Paul, our manager, waving for us to come.

"I have some bad news boys," he said as we walked backstage and then into the dressing room area.

"There's been an issue with our private jet company, and since we are expected in London tomorrow, we are going to have to fly first class on an airliner."

We all could tell what this was going to mean. We've done it before. Paparazzi nightmare.

Sometimes, I can't even get a coffee without the constant attention of bright flashes.

"I'm sorry guys," he finally said, noticing our change in attitude.

We slide into the cars waiting for us. And I close my eyes trying to get a little bit of sleep before the our trip back home.

"Hey Haz," Liam asked.

"Yeah?" I grunted half asleep.

"I think I have a toothache or something -" he started.

"London," I said back. "I'll take a peek when we're in London."

I hand him a bottle of pain medication. It'll have to do for now.

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