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~ Lucy's POV ~

I spent the whole day setting up my little flat to just the way that I liked it.

I had one wall that was white where I hung some white Christmas lights and a twine string with photos of California attached with clothes pins.

I had a few bookshelves with my music theory books and sheet music tidyly organized.

My bed had grey covers with grey and white chevron pillows on top.

I organized my desk with my recording equipment and my laptop, as well as my lecture and band schedules for the first semester.

Right in the middle of that desk was the famed business card.

It didn't even have a name on it, just a number and a little code on it that read:


My tooth had been bothering me all day, and so I knew it was time to call whoever was on the end of that number.

So I dialled the numbers into my phone.

~ Harry's POV ~

It was a busy day back at work for the first time since the tour. I had appointments stacked up from 9:00 in the morning to 5:00, when my office would normally close.

But today I had to stay even later for my mate Liam. He'd complain to me a couple of times since our talk show appearance back in the states.

I ran my fingers over the gold plates on the door.

Dr. Harry Styles
Dr. Niall Horan

I loved opening up this practice with my buddy Niall, who became an orthodontist at about the same time I became a dentist.

Both Liam and Louis work as assistants here.

We all agreed that it would be best to have separate careers that we could all rely on in case anything ever happened to the band.

I snapped out of my thoughts and checked the watch on my wrist. 5:39 pm. I quickly put my hair in a bun out of my face.

I stumbled over to my office where I like to introduce myself to new patients, and advise on difficult cases.

Liam was already there waiting for me.

"Hey Liam," I said to him with a smile, "how about you come into the back with me?"

"Okay," he said in a bitter sweet sort of way.

I motioned for him to take a seat in the big beige chair as I sat down into my chair on wheels.

I typed his name into the computer and pulled up his dental records. Everything was there.

"Alrighty," I said, snapping on some gloves and covering my face with a mask. "Can you tell me what tooth is hurting you?"

He opened his mouth and pointed to one of his molars as I put a paper bib around his neck.

"It's been hurting for about a week," he said, as I lowered his chair down horizontally.

"Let's take a look," I said taking a mirror and an explorer into my hands.

As soon as he opened his mouth, I could tell which tooth was bothering him.

Poor Liam.

~ Lucy's POV ~

The phone beeped until it was picked up by some sort of receptionist.

"Hello," I said softly.

"Code?" She said impatiently.

That wasn't very nice.

"Umm I think it's af5b3q?" I said back, slightly irritated by this lack of respect.

"Sorry miss," she breathed out, "We can't just have anyone know about this place."

"Okay-" I started. She was a completely different person.

"What seems to be the problem?" She asked back.

"Well I seem to have hurt my tooth, and it's causing me a great deal of pain." I said back.

"Okay, hmm." I could hear her typing on a computer as I sat in silence.

"We have an opening tomorrow at 5:00 pm," she said.

"I'll take it," I said. "Wait - where am I supposed to go?"

"The corner of Hurlong and Main Street. Please come alone." She said back.

Before I had any time to ask anymore questions, she hung up.

I quickly Googled the address on my phone and found the Tube route that I would have to take.

I was tired after this long day of setting up and calling cryptic phone numbers that I honestly just wanted to play my guitar.

I clicked open the case on top of my bed, but I started to cry.

The neck of my guitar was snapped in half.

~ Liam's POV ~

I could tell by the expression in Harry's eyes that something was wrong.

I always found it a bit strange that he was my dentist, but I mean I trust him with my life.

He begun to scrape each of my teeth until only one was left. The tooth.

"Ow Harry, that hurt!" I gasped.

"I'm sorry Liam," he said back apologetically, "I had to be sure. Let's take some xrays."

He positioned everything carefully, covered me with a lead apron, and instructed me to bite down.

"I'll be right back," he said, pressing the xray button outside of the room.

I heard the click of the machine and knew it was done, but sat there wondering what it was - worried for the worst.

Harry came in holding a tablet, and because I was an assistant, he showed me the xray.

"Just a filling this time around," he said, "but it could have been worse."

I let out a sigh.

"Well we have two options," Haz continued, "I can take care of it now, or book you an appointment within a week."

"Harry," I winced back, "can you do this now - I want it to stop hurting."

Harry nodded as I slumped back into the chair. He had that sad look in his eyes.

"Open," he said.

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