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~ Harry's POV ~

I led her back out through the hall into another room. As I opened the door, I looked into her eyes and saw that everything was okay. In fact, she looked happy.

"Here you go love," I said, opening the door for her.

"Do you mind if I charge my phone?" She asked, pulling a cord out of her backpack.

"Not at all," I said as I took the cord and put it into the jack.

Her phone beeped, and so I knew it was charging.

I washed my hands, snapped on a pair of gloves and grabbed a mask.

"Alrighty Lucy," I said, putting a bib around her neck and reclining her chair, "Let's take a peek."

I slid the mask on, tapped her lips, and she opened.

~ Lucy's POV ~

I've always been afraid of the dentist. It sounds childish and stupid, but I never liked it.

Things poking around, the constant judgement. My favourite part was always went I got to leave.

Harry ran his explorer against every tooth until there was only one left.

"You're doing so well," he said right before he tapped the tooth.

"Owwww-" was all I could let out before I grabbed my cheek instinctively.

"It's alright Lucy," Harry said, pushing his mask off. "Your tooth looks cracked, and like it's pushed up a little into your gums."

"Oh no," I said, nervously.

"Don't worry love," I'll just take a few xrays and then we can come up with a plan."

He gave me a high five, which made me laugh because I haven't high fived since I was five years old.

~ Harry's POV ~

Poor Lucy. I'm pretty sure that she's going to need this tooth taken out.

Nonetheless, I draped the lead apron on her, got her to bite down on the xray cards, and positioned the machine.

"I'll be right back," I told her with a smile, as I took off my gloves.

"Okay Harry," Lucy said back.

I stepped outside of the room, pressed the button, waited a couple of seconds, and then peeked back inside.

I grabbed the tablet from the counter and pushed her seat back up. The images had already uploaded.

Just as I guessed.

I wheeled over to her with the tablet, she looked worried.

"Well before we talk about the tooth in question," I started, "I just wanted to say that your mouth is in really good shape. Your teeth are very straight."

"I did have braces for two years," she smiled.

I zoomed in on the tooth.

"Sadly for us," I started, "your tooth is cracked. You can also kind of see that it starts a little bit higher up on the xray."

I pointed to it, and she looked sad.

"We have a few options Lucy," I said back, "First of all, we could try and save the tooth, but it would be long and challenging. You'd also still have some of the jaw pain as it would still be wedged up higher. To get rid of some of the pain, you'd have to get braces again to try and bring it down. I don't know how long you would have braces and they might not be successful."

I waited for a reaction, but I didn't get one, so I continued.

"The second option is that we could extract your tooth, and then get you an implant that matches how it used to be."

She looked really sad, maybe like she was about to cry.

"Could you take it out for me," she said, sadly as I nodded. "When could you?"

I grabbed her hand.

"I could either get you to come back in a week or two," I said. "Or we could take care of this now.

"I guess now would be better so that I can start to feel okay."

"Alright love," I said giving her hand a little squeeze. "Just let me get a couple of things, and I'll be right back."

oh my goodness. thank you so much for 150+ reads in only 5 days! love you guys so much! thanks for messages, hearts, reads & comments.

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