Guitar Strings

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~ Lucy's POV ~

"Lucy?" he said walking into the waiting room. "Lucy Forrester?"

I braced myself waiting to see the man who ruined my life.

And there he stood, with sympathetic green eyes and brown curls that I just lost myself in.

Damn it. He's hot.

It took me a moment to realize who this was. It also helped that there was a sign on the door.

Harry Styles, like from that One Direction band.

The tattoos running up and down his arms made him look like a canvas decorated with art. Like a masterpiece.

I almost lost myself in him and the fact that his fans would literally kill to be here right now, but he smiled back at me.

"Hi," is all I managed to let out.

"Hey Lucy," he said, extending his arm out. "You can call me Harry."

I grabbed his strong arm and pulled myself up out of my seat.

"Thanks," I laughed. "Harry?"

"Let's go back to my office," he suggested.

He led me down a narrow hall until we reached a room with a large desk. Harry sat down across from me.

"So," he started, clicking open a file on a computer, "how are you doing love?"

"Umm, okay. I just have this toothache."

He didn't seem convinced. I wasn't even convinced. I've always been a horrible liar.

"You know you can tell me what's bothering you," he said looking at me straight into my eyes.

I looked down.

"I would if I had anything to say," I lied again.

"Okay," he continued, not convinced in what I had just said but sensing I wanted to move on, "since you're a new patient here, I'll just need a little bit of information."

"Sounds fine to me," I said, still a little tense.

"Date of birth?" Harry asked.

"December 17th, 1994," I said back.

"Any allergies?"


~ Harry's POV ~

Lucy. There was something about her that I couldn't put my finger on. Something was wrong.

I continued to ask questions about her, and she continued to answer.

"Last question, I promise," I smiled at her, "Where do you live?"

"I forget the name of the building," she started, "It's the one next to the Music Conservatory. I live in flat 21."

"Yes," I said back, I knew where the building was, "Are you a student there?"

"I thought that was the last question!" She said.


"But, yeah, in a couple of days I'll be taking classes there."

"What instrument do you play?" I asked curiously, seeing if I could get to the bottom of her problem.

"Oh," she said surprised, "Well I played guitar but my guitar is broken-"

She stopped mid-sentence as if she said too much. Bingo.

"How did you break it love?" I asked, still pushing my limits.

"It was on the plane when you-," she said slowly, but then she stopped. "Can we get started?"

I read between the lines and remember when she fell, she fell flat on her guitar case. And that she fell because I tripped her.

"Sure thing, love," I said pretending that I didn't understand. "Just give me a moment and I'll be right back."

I walked out of the office and into a supply closet. And there it was.

The guitar that I've been learning to play - with a little help from Niall.

I picked it up, grabbed a sharpie, and signed the back of the neck.

She probably needs something like this right now. She's probably alone, and worried about starting at the Conservatory without a guitar.

If I were her, and she was me, I'd appreciate this.

~ Lucy's POV ~

I heard the click of the door handle about a minute after Harry left. He was back.

Harry seemed nice enough. It felt weird being sort of mad at him for tripping me.

But then he came back into his office holding a guitar. A beautiful guitar.

"Lucy," Harry said, "this is for you. I just wanted to apologize for tripping you on the plane."

I was speechless. He handed me his guitar. And then I found words.

"Harry," I said, "or umm Dr. Styles, you really don't have to do this. It wasn't your fault that I tripped, I should have just minded where I was going-"

All of a sudden, I felt a sudden searing pain across my jaw. Damn it.

"Please call me Harry," he said back looking into my eyes. "And please keep my guitar, all I ask is that you don't sell it."

"And let's go take a peek at that tooth love," he said, opening the door. "I don't want you to be in any pain."


Thank you for reading ♡ love you all, update soon.

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