~Chapter One~

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"Fawn!" My mother called from downstairs. "Fawn!!" She repeated herself. "Hurry up! You're gonna miss the bus!" She added.

"I'm coming!" I sighed as I put my Anti Anxiety pill on my tongue before adding water and quickly swallowing. I hate it. My anxiety is so bad. Going to school sucks. The only thing I was fairly excited about was seeing Abraham Ford, or Mr. Ford as I am supposed to call him. He doesn't mind when I call him Abraham though, or Abe.

I grabbed my backpack, laptop, and a yellow folded paper, which was my schedule. I flew downstairs and quickly hugged my mom. 

"Bye honey! I hope you have a good day!" She called after me as I ran towards the door. 

"You too mom. Love you!" I replied. I swiftly speed walked outside and hopped on the bus that was waiting outside. I went to the very back seat and sat down. My hands were shaking like crazy and my breaths were fast. Anxiety.  

'Good thing the next stop is Madi's house' I thought to myself as I tried to calm down. 

I listened as the bus's brakes squeaked to a stop. The bus door opened and Madi hopped on. She basically ran down the bus aisle and tackled me.

"Hey." I said as she plopped down.

"Whats up? How are ya? How's the anxiety? Are you exited? Is your anxiety acting up?" She was rambling on tons of questions as soon as she sat down.

"Nothings up. I'm good. Anxiety sucks. Not really. Yes." I replied, answering all the questions so far. My hands weren't shaking as bad but they were still shaking. 

"Okay. One last question. Do you still like Mr. Ford?" She said with a smirk.

"HEY!!" I said as I punched her arm. "HUSH!"

She laughed a little and rubbed her arm. "I know you looove him" She replied with a wink.

I sighed and crossed my arms. "I'm not denying..." I commented. We both began laughing.

After a while longer of more jokes we soon arrived at the school. My hands began shaking again. 'Really anxiety. Now?'  I thought.

"Come on" Madi said as she pulled me out of the seat and off the bus. We walked in just as the bell rung. We had and extra 10 minutes before we had to go to class, and the way we waste that time is by walking around the halls. 

"Whats you're Schedule?" I asked Madi as we were walking.

She pulled out the yellow paper at the same time as me. 

"Whoa" She smiled "We have the same classes" 

"Yesss" I replied happily. 

"Social studies.." I mumbled. "Lets go drop off our stuff!" I said as I began sprinting down the hall. Madi was hot on my tail.

We both burst through the door and found our seats right in front of each other. We set down our stuff and looked around.

"Wheres Mr. Ford?" I asked as I looked around.

"Doesn't matter." Madi said with a small laugh. "You're gonna see him for a whole school year so calm your hormones." She laughed.

"Whatever" I laughed. We walked towards the door. Madi opened it and held it for me. I nodded towards her and began walking out before hitting something harder than a brick wall. 

"Oop!" I said. Not really having any other reaction other than shaking badly. Thanks anxiety. 

"Are you okay?" A deep familiar voice asked.

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