~Chapter Eight~

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"What's wrong with her?"
"Her anxiety has gotten worse. She will need to be watched 24/7."

My eyes began to flutter a bit, blurry figures appearing. Then darkness.

"Isn't there something you can do? A- a stronger pill or something?"
"I'm sorry, ma'am. All we can do is wait."

My eyes fluttered again, only to fall to darkness once more.

"It seems her friend, Madi, helped keep her from slipping farther."
"But she's gone now... my poor baby."

I faintly felt my mother gripping my hand. She would squeez it lightly every once in awhile. I desperately tried to keep my eyes open, but they kept sinking away.

"She's going to need someone or something that can help her fight the depression and anxiety.  Someone like Madi."
"What if I get her a dog? Or... something... it's not going to be easy finding someone to replace Madi that easily."
"I've seen a dog work away depression and anxiety. It could work but every kid is different."

I opened my eyes again and blinked a few times, able to keep them open this time. They attempted to close again but i fought them open.

"Oh baby. Are you okay?" My mother had tears in her eyes as I slowly looked at her.

"Mom..." My voice sounded weak and pitiful. I wouldn't blame them if they couldn't understand a word I said.

"I'll give you two a minute." The doctor nodded slightly and left, shutting the door behind him.

"Here, let me get you a drink." My mother reached over to the small table that she was sitting next to and grabbed a bottle. I sat up and she handrd it to me.
I took a drink and shakily wiped my mouth off.

"Thank you..." My voice sounded better now, more understandable.

"Of course, honey." She paused. "Is there anything else I can get you?"

I thought for a moment, quickly thinking of something. But before i could say anything there was a sharp knock at the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we have a visitor here if you're up for it." The doctor said as he poked his head through the door.

My mother looked at me and I nodded.
"I'll be fine."

"Okay, one second." The doctor left, the door slightly open.
I sighed and rubbed my eyes.

"Hey there..." I reconized to voice imidiantly. I looked up and saw Madi's mom.
Just as I saw her all the memories fludded in. I kept it cool, feeling the tears threatening to spill over.

"Hi." I replied.

"How are you hunny."
"I'm okay I guess."
"That's understandable."
She smiled. I faked a smile back.
"Can I talk to you outside?" She said as she directed her attention to my mother. My mother nodded and gave a small smile as she stood up.

I watched them walk out, and when the door shut I grabbed the remote and bagan flipping through the channels.
I landed on a channel that was playing SVU.
It was one of my favorite shows, so I was happy. Usually you don't find any good shows on the hospital T.Vs.

I stared up at the screen before my mother caught my attention.
"We are going to go down to the cafeteria for a little. Is there anything you want?"
"I am a little hungry."
"Okay we will be back up soon."

That was fine with me. Im perfectly content with staying here alone and watching SVU.

In the show there was a little girl that reminded me of myself. Thats when I remember.
I slid my sleeve up and gasped a little bit. My cuts were bandaged up. My mother was probably so mad when she found out. I sighed and traced my finger around on the bandage.
Just then the doctor walked in. He flashed me a quick smile and approached the end of the bed.

"You're probably worried that your mother is mad at you for doing that." He said as he watched me trace around on my wrist.
Its like he could read my mind. I looked at him and shrugged.

"Well, I can assure you that as far as I know she hasn't figured out. It's not exactly my place to tell her, but if they were really bad I would have had to tell."

I looked at him with a little bit if a smile. He flashed some teeth back.
"Thank you" My voice was much better now, basically back to normal.
He nodded.

"So I just need to check up on you." He said as he grabbed a thermometer. He put it under my tongue and read it.
"Everything is normal there." He put it away and got out the blood pressure machine.  He hooked it to my arm and started it.

"Do you know what happend? Why you are here?"
I shook my head before talking.
"Well I guess I remember a few things. " I imidiently thought of what happened between me and Abe. I pushed the thought away and tried to think of something else.
"I remember giving a stupid wimpy speach at a funeral. And I remember being really scared." I said as the pump squeezed my upper arm tighter and tighter as time passed.

"Do you remember a man with you? I think he said he was your teacher, or something like that anyway. He visited a few times while you were out. Actually,  he only visited when your mother wasn't here, but it's probably just that he doesn't want her to be confused about why he cares so much. You're probably his favorite student, that could be why he is so worried." The doctor chuckled a bit.

I spaced out a bit during all the rambling. I didn't really know what he was talking about exactly, I tuned him out after he said Abe visited a few times. I just shrugged in response.

"Not much of a talker huh." The docter looked at me with a straight face, it almost held sympathy.
He looked at the numbers on the screen.
"Seems your blood pressure is quite high at the moment. We'll try a pill and check again later tonight." He smiled and handed me a pill and my water.

I nodded to him and quickly popped in the pill, then took a gulp of water to shove it down. The doctor smiled and wheeled a cart out.

I watched SVU for about 15 more minutes before my mom came back in. She set a bag of chips in front of me.
I ended up quickly devouring them while my mom talked on the phone with her boss.
I reached over and threw the empy bag away, looking back to my mom as she hung up.

"I have to go to work tomorrow. You are getting let out in two days. If they think you are stable enough. Will you be fine here alone till you are discharged?" She grabbed my hand.

"Yeah I'll be okay. I can just chill and watch SVU." I said in a reassuring tone, but I dont think I convinced myself.
"Alright. I'll call and check in with you, okay?"
I nodded and she kissed my head.


I watched SVU and Spongebob until like 9pm. The doctor came in and checked everything again. My temp was normal, but my blood pressure was still above average.

"You can't take another pill until the morning. So just try to get some sleep. Hopefully it'll be good by then."

I nodded and watched him walk to the door.
"Wait. I have a request. Can you tell the guy that came to see me a few times that im awake now?"
"Sure. Anything for my star patient." He smiled and I smiled back.

Once he left the room I ended up shutting off the t.v and quickly falling asleep.

Hey guys! The next few chapters are going to be little short fillers but I have more plans.
If you find typos I apologize. I typed this all on my phon XD
Anyway. Feedback is appriciated. Ideas are appreciated. Votes are appreciated.
Thanks for reading!

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