~Chapter Two~

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"Fawn. Dinners done." My mother was lightly shaking me awake. I groaned and opened my eyes.

"What is it?" I asked. Yawning as I did.

"Tacos." She replied as she stood up and walked towards the door.

I grinned happily and sat up as my mom walked down the stairs. Tacos were my absolute favorite. I checked the time. 8:00. I still had enough time to shower after I ate and maybe watch some youtube before bed.

I clumsily stumbled downstairs and grabbed a plate. I put a shell on the plate then spread sour cream all over the shell. I then added some meat, cheese, lettuce, and finally, hot sauce. I wrapped up the taco and sat down at the dining room table. I took a bite as my mom sat in front of me.

"We didn't get to talk much earlier before you took a nap." She said, mixing up her taco salad. 

I glanced up at her "Uh huh." I simply replied.

"So. Who are your teachers?" My mom asked, taking a bite right after. 

"Well. Most of my classes are with Mr. Ford." I felt myself blush a little just by saying his name. I looked down to my taco that had a bite out of it. "And Language arts I have Miss Wing, Gym is Miss. Kinder. I have all my classes with Madi also." I finished. I also took a large bite out of my taco.

"Oh. Thats nice." My mom smiled. "I bet it's fun having all your classes with your best friend." She added. I only nodded in response, still having food in my mouth. "And what about that Mr. Ford guy. Who is he?"

I choked on my food a little before swallowing it. My mom had a confused look on her face.  

"He's... just a teacher." I replied simply. I defiantly can't let my mom know about my little crush. I would be disowned in a heartbeat! 

"Okay." Mom said. 

We ate in silence till I finished. I took my plate and rinsed it off. I then went up to my room without a word and plopped onto my bed. I grabbed my laptop and opened it up. 

While waiting for my laptop to start up, I grabbed my phone and sent a text to Madi.

~Me~ Hey

~Madi~ Hey!

~Me~ So. I was just talking with my mom and she asked about Mr. Ford..

~Madi~ What do you mean?

~Me~ She asked like... who he is. All is aid was 'hes just a teacher.'

~Madi~ Dude. If she figured out.... you know what. She would disown you faster than your dad left you! XDDD

~Me~ XDDDDD Its true

~Madi~ Well I g2g I have to do my homework and shower. Bye!

~Me~ Same Bye

I set my phone down and got on facebook real quick. Checking my notifications and messages. When I was done I closed the laptop and set it down. Time to shower. I got up and grabbed clothes from my dresser before heading to the bathroom. I set my clothes on the toilet and undressed. I started the shower and hopped in, shampooing and conditioning my hair, washing my body, and shaving. I got out and dried off before putting my clothes on.  I brushed my hair and teeth then went and laid on my bed. 

"NIGHT MOM!" I called"

"Night!" She replied from downstairs.

I sighed, and checked the time. 9:30. I closed my eyes, and drifted to sleep.


I was sitting in class. The only people in there was Me, Madi, and Mr. Ford. Awkward. Madi was staring at me and so was Mr. Ford. I glanced between the two. 

"What?' I asked, still glancing at them. 

Mr. Ford gave an awkward nod to Madi. Madi returned the nod then stood up out of her seat. She walked over to Mr. Ford and whispered something in his ear before walking out of the room. Just me and Mr. Ford. He was still staring at me. 

"Whats going on?" I quizzed, looking at him.

He made weird grunt noise and stood up. He began walking towards me. Stopping just short of my desk. 

"Mr. Ford?" I said.

"Please. Call me Abraham." He gave a small nod with a friendly smile.

"Well... uh.. Abraham." I said awkwardly, I even blushed a little. "What are you doing?"

He was leaning towards me. Closer. Closer. Even closer yet. I felt his warm breath on my lips. I was blushing like mad at this point. It was awkward and scary but at the same time I was craving his lips to touch mine. Just as I thought it, his lips crashed against mine. They were soft. I was in pure shock. Wait... whats going on? Why is this happening? He can't like me like this. I'm 15. He's 24. Theres a big difference. I needed to stop. I didn't want to. But I had to. I pulled away and stared into his beautiful eyes.

"Abe..." I said just as I woke up from this dream.

~Dream End~

My eyes shot open. I sat up quickly. I was shaking hard. My breathing was fast. My hands flew over to my phone and it went straight to text Madi. It was hard for me to text with my shaking.

~Me~ Madi? Are you awake?

~Madi~ Duh. Whats wrong?

~Me~ I... uh... Just had a dream..

~Madi~ Really?? Tell me all about it!

~Me~ Well... *telling about the wold dream*

~Madi~ Omg. I bet you loved it Fawn. 

I could already see her smirk

~Me~ Shut up! Its weird how I can remember it..

~Madi~ XDDDDD I'm going to bed now XD Night again!

~Me~ Night...

She usually helps but eh. 

Tomorrows gonna be so awkward. Especially because I have basically all my classes with Abra-... Mr. Ford. I thought to myself. Mentally face palming myself as I almost called him Abraham. 

Time to sleep again I guess. I closed my eyes again and my breathing slowed. Soon I was lost in the land of darkness again.


Hey! How did you guys like this chapter? I'm not even sure what I was thinking with the dream XDDD I just kinda let my mind do the work. Not even thinking as I wrote. XD Thanks to everyone thats reading! Can't thank you enough XD I have made a rule that all my chapters have to have 1,000 words before I finish them (Not including Authors Notes) And so far so good XD. I was also typing this whole chapter while holding a sleeping dog XD Not fun but fun at the same time..... That made no sense XD Alright. Enough of my rambling. BUH BYEEE!!!!! 





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