~Chapter Nine~

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A huge boom of thunder woke me. I jumped up with a small gasp, and looked around the dimly lit hospital room. I checked the time, 1:43pm, then directed my attention towards the window.
I listened to the pitter patter of the fairly large rain drops as I watched them fall. An occasional crack of lightening would light the night sky. I rubbed my eyes and yawned as I sat up. I stretched my arms out then cracked my knuckles and my neck.

Glancing over, I grabbed my water and took a large gulp of it. I set it down then looked at the hairbrush and hair tie my mother had left me, just in case. I pushed the hairbrush to the side and picked up the black hair tie.
I bundled up my unbrushed hair and put it into a messy bun. I tucked a few strands behind my ear and laid back, looking at the ceiling.
I listened to the rain hitting the roof.

Then I heard my door click open. I glanced over as it slowly began to open. I was afraid to see who it was, not really sure why, but I just had a weird feeling.

I turned my body away from the door and closed my eyes, fake sleeping.

"She's always sleeping isn't she..." The quiet voice chuckled.
I heard footsteps come closer to the bed. I already knew who it was just by the voice.
I heard Abe pull up a chair next to the bed and sit down in it. I steadied my breathing to make my fake sleep more believeable.

He soon began to gently stroke my head. I could feel his eyes scanning over me multiple times. I felt awkward and uncomfortable, but I also felt calmed and safe. His coarse but soft fingers tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.
His soothing deep voice broke the silence.
"It is illegal for me to love you at this age. Even when you turn 16, it'll still be wrong. So many people will frown upon me. It may be different when you are 18, but people would still frown upon us..."
His hand moved away from my head and he gripped my hand.
"I know you already know that, but I need reassuring sometimes."
He gave my hand a little squeeze. I stayed calm... until he began singing.

"You are my sunshine...my only sunshine...you make me happy...when skies are gray...you never know dear...how much I love you..." His voice was smooth but a little raspy, it sounded perfect. I felt a few tears slip their way down my face.

I couldn't hold back from singing, my grandmother would sing this to me all the time.
"Please don't take...my sunshine away." Both of our voices harmonized as we finished the verse.
I rolled over a bit and looked at him. We made solid eye contact. A cheesey smile slowly grew on Abrahams face.
I hated myself beyond measure at his moment.

"Im sorry." I whispered as I covered ny face, embarrassed.

"No, its okay. Don't worry about it." He said.

I felt more tears slip from my eyes. He wiped then away with his thumb.
"I came here every night since you were brought here. You hit your head pretty hard, they thought you slipped into a coma, but you're a fighter." He said with a smile.
I smiled a little back and sat up a bit.

"Thank you." I said as I wiped my eyes and adjusted my hair.

"For what? Honestly,  your mom has done that enough." He chuckled and ran a hand through his short hair.
I noticed his hair was a darker orange than usual, probably wet from the rain.

"For what you said. For everything. Just... I dont know what I'm going to do without Madi..." I replied.

"I promise you that everything will turn out okay. If you ever need to talk just know I'm here. Listen to me." He put his hand on my cheek and turned my head towards him. "Don't think too much about it. Stay on the positive side. Glass half full. Just push though, you can do it. I believe in you." His face was serious and honestly it scared me a little.

"I'll try. No promises though." I replied with a sigh.

"Hey. Glass half full. Remember." He said as he pointed a stern finger at me.

"Sorry." I replied with a yawn. I scratched my neck and looked at him.

"Are you tired?" He asked.
"Yeah, my mom isn't coming back until she comes to pick me up so I really don't have anything else to do other than sleep and watch tv." I explained as I laid down, laying on my side pointing towards him.

He reached forward and tucked in the blanket, making sure I was warm and comfortable. He sat in the chair and just stroked my forehead.
My eyes were closed as I tried to get some sleep, but I stayed awake purposefully just to hear if he would say anything.

"Shh." He breathed out. "I'm going to stay here until you are actually asleep. Not faking."

I smiled a little. My smile fell slowly as I let myself listen to the pitter patter of the on going rain. It carried me off to sleep, keeping the lasting image of Abe protecting me in my mind.


Sorrt for a short chapter. This one is a filler, and it is late and I'm actually tired. Anywayyy I thought a cute little chapter would be a good way to sign off for the night. I usually always update at night but hopefully its good timing in other time zones XD
Okay so.
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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2017 ⏰

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