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"Oh my days!.. It's like 3.30 already my mom is gonna be screwing"

Blake said to her friend as they sat in her boyfriends car waiting for him to finish talking to his friends outside of the nightspot.
She rubbed her eyes and pulled down the visor so she could look at her near faded make up in the mirror, she sighed and planted her feet firmly on the dash.

"He needs to hurry up.. I'm already in enough shit at home"

"It's ok Blake just chill out.. Here"

Tasha gave Blake half of the spliff she had already been toking on.

Blake lived in a huge house with her mother, her mother didn't need to work the house was bought and paid for by her Blake's father and he also made sure they both had everything they needed even if it was from a distance.

Ellie, Blake's mother decided to call Marshall, Marshall was Blake's father and Ellie was now At the end of her tether with her tear away teen.

"I can't handle her anymore"

"Do you want me to come down there and whoop her ass?"

"No, but I think you need to take her for a while, please?"

The other end of the phone fell silent as Marshall thought about it.   

"Ellie, we've talked about this. It's dangerous for her here."

"And I'm scared about what's going to happen to her if she stays here, she's still not home yet"

"What?. Where the fuck is she?"

"This is what I'm telling you, I have no idea and I have no idea who shes with"

"I'll come over, you need to tell me these things Ellie. I can't  help if I don't know."

Marshall was a notoriously well know gang leader, his life and style was so influential and dangerous that the only way he could guarantee his wife and daughters safety was to keep them as far away from him as possible. Blake had no idea the extent of what her dad was involved in she had been kept out of Most of it from a young age, she knew he was well known and feared but she just thought her mother and father worked better off apart and that's why they were apart.

"I'll see you tomorrow Blake"

Tasha shouted through the half open window of Blake's boyfriends car, the Ganja smoke billowed in plumes from the car window and Blake was high and in need of her bed now. They waited for her to enter the house and then they took off at speed.

"Blake! Where have you been, I've been worried sick, I haven't even gone to bed"

Blake rolled her eyes and threw down her jacket nonchalantly.

"Mom, get off my back, you always give me shit!"

"What the fuck did you just say"

Blake stood still with her tongue in her cheek, she saw her dad in front of her making his way through from the lounge.


"Drop the fucking attitude, and don't you ever let me hear you speak to your mother like that again. Have some god damn respect!"

Blake hung her head.


"Where the hell have you been, you might not answer your mom but your gonna answer me"

"I was with friends and I lost track of time, I'm sorry"

"I can smell weed, I swear if your doing drugs..any kind of drugs I will beat your ass into next week"

"Tasha was smoking while we were out, that's why you can smell it"

"Don't lie to me. I can see by your bloodshot half shut fucking eyes, you've been smoking weed. Your not to big for me to give you a good ass kicking you know, and I will if I have to. Get your ass to bed, tomorrow your coming with me"

Marshall was furious with her, he turned to Ellie.

"Ok, I'll take her. I'll change her around"

He kissed Ellie passionately and led her up to the bedroom.

"What are you doing?. You never stay."

"Well I'm here now and you are my wife and I do fucking miss you, plus I'm gonna make sure she doesn't do a runner and she can leave with me in the morning. Be thankful woman you have your man to yourself for what's left of the darkness"

Ellie smiled and they kissed shutting the bedroom door behind them.

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