The fort

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The car journey was long but that was only because they circled the same area 5 times moving in slightly different directions just in case they were being followed. This was something Marshall learned from his father who was also a notorious mobster.

Marshall watched his daughter keenly as she sat bobbing her head along to music on her phone looking out of the blacked out windows. She had no care in the world he thought to himself how it would feel to be that young, naive and care free again.

The car drew into a tunnel and the tunnel continued for half of a mile. As they neared the end men dressed in combat clothing and masks that were also armed stopped them.
They looked in and saw Marshall, one of them put his hand up and the wrought iron, 10 inch thick sealed door swung open for the car to enter.

The car came to a stop a little further along and Marshall smiled at Blake.

"We're home sweetie."

She took off her headphones and rested them around her neck, it never failed to amaze her the sheer size and complexity of her dads home.

"Dad, please tell me you've still got the pop corn machine in the home theatre?."

"Yes baby, I knew it was your favourite thing. I wouldn't get rid of it."

Blake jumped out excitedly, and waiting for her at the door inside was Proof one of Marshall's oldest friends and partner in crime literally.

"Blakey, Blakey. Look at you all grown up"

"Yeah, I'm 15 next week"

Proof gave her a huge hug, Blake loved him like a brother. Whenever she was at her dads he would play games with her around the huge house, like hide and seek or creep mouse.

"Your not to old for adventures are you?."


"Good cos I get bored sometimes and I need a buddy and it would kill me if you say your over that shit now"

Blake smiled.

"I kind of am growing up but I'll indulge you uncle DeShaun"

"Good girl"

As Blake entered the house proof turned to Marshall.

"It's gonna be cool having her around, you okay with her being here man?"

"As long as she stays out of trouble and we can keep her away from trouble"

"Marshall there ain't nothing gonna happen to that little girl, well not so little girl anymore, Never the less my angel"

"It's scary how my baby girl is growing up"

Marshall shook his head and pulled out his phone he sent a message to Ellie to let her know they were at the house and Blake was okay he knew she would worry.

Proof and Marshall than walked into the house they entered beneath the basement, into the basement and then up into the house. No one ever saw Marshall  leave or return.

Once inside Blake sat in the kitchen she knew it wouldn't long before......

"Ooohhh my baby, Iz a so good to see you"

"You to Lolita, I can't believe your still working for dad"

"He's a good to me, you wan food, are you hungry?"

Lolita had been Marshall's Spanish house maid since Blake could remember, the woman was full of zest and life and never seemed to age even though by now she must've been in her late 50's. Blake loved the way she rolled her R's over her tongue when she spoke, her Spanish had diminished some what but she let some slip now and again and Blake loved listening to her.

Marshall walked into the kitchen and placed his arms around Lolita's waist from behind and snuggled into her

" aww Mr Mathers, you keep teasing me, I'm a to old for love with you"

The boys laughed Marshall had a soft spot for Lolita, he could trust and rely on her, she had no family or home when he found her so she lived in the house cooked, cleaned and babysat when Blake was small. She was now basically the boy's mother and she loved being so.

She plated up a huge plate of carbonara for Blake and Blake immediately devoured it.

"Lolita your food is so good, I missed this"

"There is plenty more for you, you just let me now when you get hungry."

After eating Blake went upstairs to her room, the room was the size of 4 double bedrooms put together she had a four poster bed complete with drapes, an old tapestry hung on her wall which belonged to her late grandmother. The windows were huge with triple French doors that led to a balcony, which had steps leading down into the acres of ground surrounding this fortress.

Blake crashed on her vast bed that she immediately sunk into. She thought about her boyfriend she hadn't told him she was going away she grabbed her phone and called him up.

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