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"Marshall please talk to me, I love you."

Ellie continued as Marshall stayed eerily quiet.

"You think that I could ever touch you again, I've just found you with another man. Everything's different now."

"Marshall. It's still me. My feelings for you hasn't changed one bit, your my husband and I love you."

"How is it, that I manage to keep myself to myself when it comes to girls. I've had opportunities to screw almost any girl I come across, but I can't and I wouldn't because all I ever think about is you. . You and me were supposed to be forever, why did you do this to us."

"Please, please don't leave me."

"Don't leave you?!. I think you'll find Ellie, that you left me."

Ellie bit her lip, her and Marshall had been together for so long 16 years to be exact, she had never cheated on him before and also knew that he never would cheat on her. She nervously played with her hands as she stay sat on the bed her knees drawn up under her chin and her eyes not being able to settle anywhere. She asked him quietly as silence reigned again.

"What's gonna happen now?."

Marshall sighed heavily, this was one thing that he had never ever had to think about. He never thought he would end up in this situation with the woman he loved. How was he going to sort this. He didn't want to hurt her physically but she had betrayed him.

"I need time to think!.. Get some clothes on your coming with me."

"Where?. Where are we going."

"Don't question, just fucking do it."

Ellie knew she had seriously fucked up and tying to argue with him now would be the worst thing she could ever do. She did as he said and sheepishly got off the bed and got herself dressed.

"What's going to happen to Glynn."

"Seriously!. Ellie don't make this any worse than it already is."

"He's innocent in all of this, he had no idea about us he thought I was single."

Marshall just sniggered and shook his head as he grabbed her arm and shoved her out of the room.

~~Marshall's mansion ~~

"Where is dad?."

Blake had finally woken up, Lolita was busy pottering around tidying and cleaning.

"He went out a while ago, you need food huh?. Come with me."

She smiled at Blake and took her into the kitchen. She was a wonderful caring woman but thought that everything revolved around food.

"Lolita I'm not hungry right now, I'm still full from brunch."

"Oh no, growing girl like you needs lots of food."

"Lolita, honestly I am fine"

Blake chuckled to herself, thinking if she was going to end up being there for a while she was going to definitely pack on the pounds by being force fed.

It wasn't long before the car pulled into the driveway. The guy had his head covered with a sack and hands tied he was led away to another car and driven off at speed.
Marshall took Ellie by the arm and pulled her into the house.

He knew Blake was there so decided to tread easy and then get proof or one of those guys to run an errand and take Blake with them so he could think about what he was actually going to do about his cheating wife, Blake's mother!.

"Mom?. This is a nice surprise ."

"I know honey, I needed to see you."

Ellie said side glancing at Marshall as Blake jumped off of the stool and hugged her mother tightly.

"Aww Mrs Mathers, how nice to see you, are you hungry.. You look hungry."

Lolita smiled, she adored both Ellie and Blake as if they were her own child and grand child.

"We are okay Lolita."

Marshall snapped and Blake looked at him as she saw Lolita's face drop. He was in no mood for niceties he put his arm around Ellie's waist falsely and led her upstairs....

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