Author P.O.V
Courtney just told Tina and Kayla that they're all sisters. She also told them about the sexual abuse she encountered when she was a child by her father. Right now everything was very emotional and everyone had question.At this time Tina called August,because she needed him to be there for her. Tina and the other girls called the police and went to there mother's house to meet them there. As the police took there father away, they saw the confused look in their mother's eyes and the rage in the their fathers'.
As the mother walked closer to where the girls were she noticed who Courtney was.
"Moma?" Courtney cried out reaching out her hands.
"Courtney? When...when did you get here?... And what's going on why are they taking your father away?"
"Moma he.... ... he touched me when I was a girl." Courtney sniffled.
"What you mean he touched you when you was a child I know I protected you girls and wouldn't let anyone hurt you." Courtney mother said as tears fell from her eyes.
"Moma he did it and I already forgave you along time ago for it. If you didn't notice he treated me and Tina like trash for years and he even turned you against your own daughters."
"Yeah mother, not only that but he secretly had an affair on you and conceived a daughter." Tina said stepping forward holding Kayla's hand as she had an half smile on her face.
"Wow we have a lot of catching up to do girls." They're mom said bringing them all into a hug. "And I'm sorry girls...I'm very very sorry."
At this time August pulled up and I ran into his arms as tears streamed down my face.
"Baby I wanna go home,can you take me home?" She said as she held him tighter and tighter.
"Do you want me to take you to my house or yours?" He asked with a confused look in his face.
"Any where with you I wanna be with you right now."
Tina walked over to where her mother and her sisters were standing and asked if any of them were going to leave with her,but they decided to stay and talk to her mother even Kayla.
"Come on baby I got you." August said as he opened the door for Tina to get in."

"The Doctor"
FanfictionA 23 year old doctor was working with her bestfriend and her perverted boss. One day she went to jail for fighting a girl, surprisingly she met August that bailed her out. She already had a boyfriend that she soons find out that has a double life. W...