The police called me early in the morning to tell me the news its been two weeks and I was ready to get it over with. Even though I wasn't working me and August still didn't have enough time for each other, well he didn't have enough time for me. Besides that I was on my way up there to see the film myself.
"Thanks ma'am for coming up here." The officer said.
"No problem so what happened? Who was it?" I asked adjusting myself in an empty chair.
"See ma'am this is the problem no one broke into the shop, the door was left opened."
"Wait what do you mean can you please roll the tape!" I demanded.
As they fast forwarded the tape to the few nights before I saw something that caught my eye.
"Can you go back please I think I saw something." I asked.
As he did what I asked I saw August and Raven in the back. They were beginning to talk and the conversation obviously made a lot of since. His ex! As it continued on I saw August kiss her. By then I was in tears and I was very upset. As I grabbed my things I walked out of the office and went straight to the house without any hesitation.
Hurt was all I felt in my heart and rage was all in my head. I ran up the stairs where August still laid in the bed. I opened up the curtains and poured a big bowl of ice water on him. Then I began grabbing his shirt and hitting him repeatedly.
"Whyyy???how could you do this to meee!!!" I yelled and cried.
"Tina! Tina! Calm down I didn't do nothing I didn't do nothing."
As I calmed myself I looked deep into his eyes as tears came down my cheeks.
"How could you my feelings for you was so deep I fell in love with you. And you have the right to kiss that BITCH Raven. Oh yeah you thought I would never find out that Raven was your ex the girl that you fell in love with that cheated on you. Oh well guess what I saw the videos from the police and you want to know something else you should know how I'm feeling right now since the same thing happened to you."
Tears filled August as he just realized what he haven't been telling me for the past few weeks was what I just found out.
"I'm going to get my shit and leave. And you can start your new family with her. Anyways I gotta make a trip to the shop real quick."
As I made my way down the stairs to my car August was running after me. Paying no attention I sped off.
*****When I finally made it I ran in looking for her.
"Hey Tina!" All the girls yelled with happiness.
"Where's Raven!" I yelled.
"She's in the back. Whats wrong Tina why are you sad why are you looking like this?" Kayla asked.
I ignored her question and continued to call for Raven who was coming from the back. Just then August came rushing in soaked and wet.
"So you hear to save your lady." I said.
"What's going on?" Raven asked.
"So I guess I have to refill your memory too, so you and August used to be together and that kiss must've been something special." I said sarcastic.
"You told her?" Raven asked August.
"No." He responded back.
"Oh so its more. Well I'm all ears tell me the other juice.
"Okay August let's be fucking honest! Me and August been having sex for a couple weeks behind your back."
As I turned around to August I slapped the shit out of him.
"Oh really! Ohhhh really! All this shit was fake all the shit I said didn't mean shit to you! Every fucking thing that we did and said was all fake! Fuck you and I fucking mean it I hate you get the fuck out of here August." I yelled then turned around to punch Raven in her nose causing it to bleed.
She then looked up and said to August
"So is it me or her August?"
For along moment I actually thought August was going to reject her, but at this point nothing happened the way I planned. August didn't even respond.
"You know what you don't even have to choose,because I don't want you anymore you can have the bitch. Now get the fuck out of my shop." I motioned as I was walking to the back.
"Tina?" "Baby girl."
*************1 hour later*
I was still in my office my heart was hurting and I didn't feel good at all. My friends and sisters was all outside the door either trying to come get me out or break in the door. I finally decided to open it. When I did I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and fell to the ground.
"Someone call 9-1-1!"
Well guys this is the end of this book there will be a sequel to this story. Once again DON'T DELETE FOR FURTHER INFORMATION ON THE NEXT BOOK! It will take me a while to update the other story, because I'm writing another story called "50 shades of color and life." 👈(check it out!) And you can follow me👇👇
Snapchat: @dvna4l
Instagram@d.t00_t0xicIf you have any questions comment and remember to vote!💭
Have a bless day!💕
-Davina W.💖

"The Doctor"
FanfictionA 23 year old doctor was working with her bestfriend and her perverted boss. One day she went to jail for fighting a girl, surprisingly she met August that bailed her out. She already had a boyfriend that she soons find out that has a double life. W...