What the hell?

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Tina P.O.V

I was showing Courtney the ropes of the shop and how everything was ran around the place. As I said before everyone were getting closer like a family.

Since Courtney just came and Tanya didn't see her in a while she was going to stop by to surprise her.

"Hey everybody." Tanya said walking into the shop.

Courtney turned around a little startled, but realized who it was. In seconds Courtney ran to Tanya. For some odd reason I believed that Courtney was more of Tanya's best friend more than me.

*ten minutes into some conversation*

"Yeah me and my mom are pretty close after my dad died." Rhonda stated.

"What about you Kayla we would want every bodies input, remember were all family here."

At first Kayla looked at me with a long blank stare, but after she took along breathe I knew she was ready to open up.

"Well my mom was never around, because of work and my dad just disappeared and all I remembered about him was his first name Daniel." Kayla said with a confused look in her eyes.

"Well that's weird my dad's name is Daniel. And its okay to feel that way, because my parents treat me and my sister like trash and people would think they're the total opposite."

"Umm guys I gotta tell y'all something. Courtney said.
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Have a blessed day!

-Davina W.

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