Dirty pick-up line he uses

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Tony Stark - "I'll treat you like my homework. Do you on the table and do you all night long."

Steve Rogers - "Pizza is my second favourite thing to eat in bed."

Clint Barton - "I may not go down in history, but I'll go down on you!"

Thor Odinson - "That outfit would look great in a crumpled heap on my bedroom floor tomorrow morning."

Bruce Banner - "The FBI wants to steal my beloved. Can I hide it inside you?"

Matt Murdock - "Wanna play midget boxing? You get down on your knees and give me a couple blows!"

Pietro Maximoff - "You know why I'm like a squirrel? Because I want to bury my nuts in you."

Bucky Barnes - "You have pretty eyeballs, they'd be even prettier if they were eyeing my balls."

A/N - Omg I legit just searched up "Dirty Pick Up Lined and they were really disturbing and funny.

Enjoy! If you want requests tell me x

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