Your first kiss

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Tony Stark

Both you and Tony were having a relaxing day in, you both had been dating for a bit now and grew closer and closer everyday. It was night time as you both got ready for the movie you chose for you both to watch. You both watched it in complete silence and Tony's hand was around your shoulder.

It was probably midway through the film and you had already fallen asleep, you were slightly conscious and aware that Tony was still beside you and and that the movie was still playing. "Hey babe?" You heard Tony ask, but you were in too much of a deep slumber to reply. "Guess I'm gonna have to bring you to bed now," he slightly laughed to himself before sighing. "I don't know when I'll have the balls to do this when your actually conscious but now is better than ever," and then he placed his soft lips on yours.

Steve Rogers

It was at a ball you and the other Avengers were invited to, you dressed up nicely and of course went with your boyfriend Steve. "You look beautiful by the way," he commented as you both sat at the table and watched everyone dance.

"I heard your a fan of dancing," you said, "... Looking for the right partner." Yes, this was scratching at your mind, you looked at him for his reaction as he looked at you.

"Well then (Y/N), would you like to dance?"

"Don't ask me just because I what is said," you told him, half smiling as he stood up in front of you. He took your hands in his and pulled you up as you both made your way to where everyone else was dancing.

"Well what if I told you that... I think I have found the right partner? But... I'm just scared she'll say no if I ask her to dance with me?"

"I think that you should give it a go, you might surprise yourself." You both locked hands as you swayed to your sides.

"Well then..." He leant forward as his lips touched you're into their very own graceful dance.

Clint Barton

For fun, you were both shooting some arrows, sadly though... You were crap at it. After many, many goes of Clint trying to tell you how to do it and how you aim and the right position.

You finally... Finally did it! "Oh my god!" You screamed and jumped up and down as you put the bow on the table.

"I told you you'd do it,"

"Yeah but I didn't actually believe you," you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck. You both smiled at each other and looked deeply into each other's eyes leading for both of your lips to touch.

Thor Odinson

(Can't think of anything right now but I may catch this up later, sorry XD)

Bruce Banner

And bam, his invention finally worked, there it was doing its thing. "Hey," you greeted Bruce as you walked in,

"(Y/N), look it's working," you looked down at the table to see his invention doing everything he wanted it to do.

"Oh my god, Bruce you did it!" You told him, he might of gotten extremely happy because he grabbed your face and planted a kiss on you.

"I wouldn't of done it without you."

Pietro Maximoff

It had been a while after a recent battle that had happened and of course Pietro managed to get hurt in some way. "Where is he?" You asked the doctors, they pointed you in his direction as you dashed towards him. "Pietro," you called, leaning down on to his bed.

"Ah (Y/N), I was hoping you'd come."

"Your an idiot," you told him,

"Sorry," he groaned as he sat up, you shook your head and planted a kiss on his lip,

"Just.. Don't ever do that again okay?"

"If I say yes will you kiss me again?" You slightly laughed,


"Then yes," he smiled as your lips touched once more.

Bucky Barnes

Both you and Bucky were sitting down on the sofa watching TV, but something had gotten to you as every time you tried to touch him in some way, he would immediately tense up and shuffle away. "Bucky what's up?" You finally asked,

"What do you mean?" He asked, looking at you,

"I mean, every time that I try to touch you or do anything, you shut me out. Why?" He seemed hesitant at first but then spoke up,

"It's because I don't want to hurt you (Y/N)... If someone says the words then I could kill you in an instant."

"I think you underestimate me," you slightly laughed, "and you'd never hurt me, because I trust you." You looked into his eyes and shyly leaned in as your lips touched, you both then pulled away,

"Thank you," he mumbled against your lips.

"For what?"

"For being you," he then returned the kiss once more.

A/N - Sorry I haven't been updating for a while x

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