What he loves about you (physically)

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Tony Stark - Your lips, he loves kissing them and claiming them as his.

Steve Rogers - Your hair, he loves stroking it because it's so soft.

Clint Barton - Your nose, he loves how small it is and loves to tap it. to ho

Thor Odinson - Your eyes and the way they sparkle.

Bruce Banner - Your hands, he loves to hold your small soft ones on his large ones.

Matt Murdock - Your face, because he's blind, every night he likes to feel around your face and tell you that your beautiful

Pietro Maximoff - Your legs, he loves how smooth they are.

Bucky Barnes - Your smile, it makes his day even better and when he's down, he just needs to see your smile to lift everything up.

A/N - Okay! So I'm not sure if you know but I published the 'dirty pick up line' chapter before a chapter that I wrote before that chapter.

That make sense?

But if it doesn't, go in the contents bar and there is a new chapter called 'You get caught making out'. You may already know about it but I wasn't sure, so I'm just telling you about it now if you haven't gotten the notif.

If you have any idea prompts about anyone, just tell me and I'll work on it x

Safiya xx

Multi-Fandom Preferences and ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora