When they get jealous

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Tony Stark - He starts to kiss you then the person awkwardly walks away.

Steve Rogers - He doesn't like to show he's jealous, so he subtly just makes up an excuse for you both to leave and wrap his arm around your shoulder.

Clint Barton - He clears his throat and then starts talking over the guy.

Thor Odinson - He starts to swing his hammer, hoping to scare them off.

Bruce Banner - He starts to talk about the other guy and how if someone every flirted with his girlfriend we wouldn't need to change a shade to kill them.

Matt Murdock - He does the same as Steve and makes up and excuse but when you walk away he slides his hand in your back pocket.

Pietro Maximoff - He speeds them off somewhere and leaves them before returning to you in less that two seconds.

Bucky Barnes - He starts to show his metal arm and gives the guy a death glare.

A/N - I might do a longer version, what do you think?

Multi-Fandom Preferences and ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora