40- Not Yet

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I looked over at a sleeping Jamil and sighed. His mouth was slightly opened and I heard the light snore from his slightly blocked nose. I nudged him again but he only grunted.


"Can we please go and watch the sunrise now?"

"No. Don't wake me up." He grunted again as he turned around. I nudged him again and he groaned. "The fuck is wrong with you, Priya? I swear to God if you start all this sunset sunrise bullshit thing, I'm gonna make sure that I sleep in a different room every night and lock it so you don't come and wake me up for this fucking bullshit."

I let out a sigh as I got off the bed. "I'm sorry for disturbing you." God he was so annoying. I groaned as I made my way to the balcony, pulling a chair up right to the wall. I put my feet up on the table as I scanned the dark sky. Sunrise wasn't until another two hours but I wanted to see it all from the beginning. I knew Jamil wasn't really a touchy guy since he was so used to that from his first wife, so I had to be patient. He was doing a good job anyways as he already always had his arms around me but it things like these that I wanted to do with him. I remember just sitting in my garden, a cup of coffee in my hand as I was stared up at the sky but now I wanted someone with me to do those things with.

I must have been sitting there for those two hours because I saw the sun start to rise. I watched with a small smile, occasionally frowning at the empty seat beside me. I staggered back into the room to find Jamil still sleeping. When I shut the door he jumped up, looking around.

"Sorry, it's just me." He groaned and stood up, walking over to me. "Where are you going?"

"Come, let's go and watch the sunset before it finishes," he said half asleep. I let out a small laugh as I put a hand on his cheek.

"It's over babe. I just watched it." His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at my face.

"I'm sorry. I promise you we will watch sunset tonight. And I know we leave before sunrise tomorrow, but I will make sure we will watch it somehow. I promise." I smiled at him before leaning up and giving him a kiss. His hands stayed by his side for a while before I picked them up and put them on my waist. "Sorry...I'm just so used to not-"

"It's fine, Jamil. Take your time." He gave me a small smile as he raised his hand to my cheek.

"Thank you for understanding."

"Hey, I said it was fine." He put his hands back on my waist as he kissed me again. "Since you're awake, can we go for a walk along the beach?" I looked down at his feet, hoping he wouldn't say no. I felt his finger at the bottom of my chin so I looked up at his smiling face.

"I think I'd like that very much. Nothing like walking down the beach hand in hand with my beautiful wife whilst telling her how happy she makes me."

"Really? We can go?"

"Of course, Priya. Get ready and we'll go." I kissed his cheek as I grinned. Great, we were getting somewhere.

I skipped into the bathroom with my clothes in my hands. By the time I got out, I saw Jamil pulling the t-shirt over his body. He smiled at me as I walked over to him. "You got a little something in your hair," I whispered as I took out the black fluff. He suddenly pulled me into his arms, bringing our faces close together. He let our lips touch briefly and I sighed as he ran a hand through my open hair.

"You look beautiful," he whispered against my ear. I felt myself blushing as I looked up at him. "You ready to go?"

"I just need to put my scarf on. Give me two minutes." He sat on the corner of the large bed as I put my scarf loosely around my head. He lay flat on the bed, his hands behind his head. "Come on, Jamil," I whined. He chuckled and closed his eyes, faking a snore. I groaned as I crawled on top of him. "If you don't get up I will start jumping on you."

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