My Dear Daughter, Nagisa

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(A/N Nagisa will be written with female pronouns until people find out he's really a he. Just to add to the story, you know? But yes, he's a guy. It's just the usual where everyone thinks he's a girl."

~Narrator's POV~

"To be honest... I always did want a girl...." a woman with short blue hair says as she puts her daughters hair into a lazy ponytail and fixes her skirt. The 'girl' has a blank expression on her porcelain face, her light blue hair cupping her pale cheeks. She looks into the mirror in front of her, her icey blue eyes looking as distant as ever, and for a moment a look of depression fills them before it disappears as though never there.

The mother keeps talking about how she always wanted a daughter, and just the usual phrases stating how her 'daughter' better keep in line for she has done so much for her.

"Nagisa dear," the girl looks up at her mother calling her name.

"Yes,  mother?"

"Be a good girl at school today, non of that boy talk, or your going to hear a mouthful from Mommy. And make sure you make it home on time. Don't need my darling daughter being out after dark with naughty boys."

"Yes mother. I will be heading out now." Nagisa says, grabbing her school bag and walking out the door. Her grey mini-skirt swaying around her as she walked towards the hill behind campus. She knew 3-E was referred to as the "End Class" but the fact that it was so far away from main campus was kind of ridiculous. 

After the long hike up, she fixed her tie and pulled her skirt downward a little. Then she fixed up her hair as best as she could before she walked into the classroom with a blank expression on her face. She didn't want to be noticed, she just wanted to go through school without problems. 

"Woah look at that chick, she's new right?" a few boys in back said quietly to eachother. 

"Oh yeah, she has to be new. Can't believe she got put in this class right away. Wonder if she's one of those governments people?" another whispers back.

"Look at that blank expression, she has to have something up her sleeve. Okay, let's try this."

The boys walk up to her with a smug smile playing on their lips, "Hey, I'm Ryoma. I have a little job for you."

"Hello. What type of job?" Nagisa asks, looking at the boy with her trademark blank expression.

"Well, you seem to have some skill in assassination with that poker face of yours, so here's the plan."

~~~~~Time Skip ~~~~~

~Nagisa's POV~

"Okay class, settle down. No more anti-me guns in the classroom please! Okay. So now that that is settled, we have a new student joining us today. Would you mind coming up here?" the weird mutant yellow octopus at the front of the class said, apparently he was my teacher. This should be interesting.

"Coming, sir." I say quietly, getting up from my desk in an orderly fashion and walking up there. My hands holding each other in front of me.

"Hello, my name is Nagisa Shiota. It is nice to meet you all. I hope to learn many things in this class," I say, bowing my head down.

"Why all the formalities?" I look up and see a guy with blazing red hair and copper eyes looking at me with a broad smirk. "It's not like your talking to the principle or something."

I know by the look on everyone's faces, my facial features have gone to a small smirk, my eyes getting a gleam in them. "Well you see, I always take it upon myself to be as polite as possible to avoid any conflicts. I guess I will have to try something else with you, Karma."

"Woah, how did she know his name?" a few people whispered in the crowd.

"It's nice to see you again Nagisa, but I never imagined like this. I guess you full accepted that you'r-" Karma started, but as though in a second I was behind him covering his mouth. Then I whispered in his ear, "Mother told me to be a good daughter today, Karma. I don't need her finding out that the class knows. That wouldn't be good."

He had a slight blush on his face when I went back on the stage with my usual blank expression.

"I'm sorry about that, he and I know one another from when we were little. He's always been trouble!" I say, forcing a broad, closed eye smile. The class sweatdropped then smiled back at me.

"Oh and, you're Koro-sensei right?" I ask, once again fake smiling at the yellow octopus creature next to me.

"Why yes, I am. Oh I'm glad you have heard of me! nhuhuhu" he said, his head sporting yellow and green stripes.

I walk up to him slowly with a smile on my face, and then I quickly pull the grenade's pin, and within seconds it explodes. Everything becomes a blur as I open my eyes to be underneath some sort of skin. 

"So, Ryoma. Wanna explain to me why you forced your new classmate to do this?"

~~~~Time Skip to After Koro-Sensei lectures everyone and praises Nagisa~~~~

I walk over to the open desk that just so happens to be next to Karma and sit down. Class goes by fast, and eventually it's lunch time. I still don't know what the deal is with that teacher of ours, so I look over at Karma.

"Hey Karma, what's the deal with Koro-sensei?" 

"You mean... you seriously don't know what this class is?"

A short girl with green hair walks up to us, I think her name is Kaede, and says, "This is the Assassination Classroom, class 3-E. Our job is to assassinate our teacher Koro-Sensei. I'm sure Mr. Karusama will explain everything to you. Just head to the faculty office down the hall." 

"Oh okay, thanks," I say quietly, getting up out of my chair and walking to the office that she referred to. 

A man with spiky black hair and handsome features is sitting on a regular office desk when I walk in, he looks up at me with a shocked expression, "Who are you?"

"I am the new class 3-E student. I transferred today. I'm Nagisa Shiota, are you Mr. Karusama?"

~~~~Time Skip Again, because I'm lazy, to after school~~~~

~Karma's POV~ 

"So Nagisa, when are you going to tell everyone you are a boy?" I say, wrapping my hands around his waist and whispering into his ear. 

"Karma... You know what my mother is like. I have to get going, if I arrive home late she will kill me." he says blankly, that gets me thinking.

"How about I carry you~" I say, a smirk forming on my face. 

He sighs before saying, "Sure, I know how fast you are."

I duck down and sneak a peak before he climbs onto my back, "So... your mom makes you wear panties too, huh."

That did the trick, I look back at him and he's a blushing mess, "Karma!"

"I have to say though, it's really obvious your a guy with that bulge there. You really grew up over the years huh~" 

"Oh shut up!" 

I start running down the hill and in no time we are a block from his house, but it is slightly too late. The sun was setting as he reached the door. I watched from a distance to see what would happen.

He opened the door reluctantly, and his mother slammed the door open, grabbing Nagisa by the hair. "How dare you be late, Nagisa! You've been a bad girl!" They are both inside before I can reach the door. I hear Nagisa cry out in pain, and go over to the side of the house where his window is with one thought in mind.

I have to help him...

Her Puppet, Now and Forever (Assassination Classroom Fanfic, Nagisa x Karma)Where stories live. Discover now