My Hero, Nagisa

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Okay. I have been freaking out because I haven't really ever gotten this many reads before in this short amount of time and it's amazing and thank you so so so much. Like, you have no idea. I probably would have made 5 parts of this then stopped at this rate. So thank you for 90 views!!!

This chapter will be more focusing on Karma's life, but Nagisa of course still has an important role. Ooh and I got ideas now ;)

Ahem. Let's get on with the story, shall we? (yay! :) :) :) )

TW: Mentions of suicide, description of suicide, blood, and death.

~Karma's POV~

Today Nagisa came to school with his usual blank expression and sat in his desk next to mine, not even uttering a word of hello to me. Currently, I'm pretending to be bored out of my mind when in reality I just need to get out of here. I keep feeling like I'm missing something, like something horrible happened last night but I can't seem to put my finger on it.

I guess I'm just over-thinking things. 

"Oi, Karma..." I hear a small whisper, and feel a poke on my arm. I look over to where it came from to see a face inches away from mine. Piercing blue eyes meet my bronze ones, and we stare for a few seconds before I moved back. 

"What do you want, Nagisa?" I asked, pretending to be bored yet again.

Of course, all I get in response is him pointing up. Like that is going to help me, thanks Nagisa.

"Nufufufufhuhufhuf, Karma you're going to look perfect after I'm done with you. Next time you should focus on math a bit more." 

Well, maybe I should have looked up. Or maybe I should have been paying attention. Who knows at this point. All I know is that my face is not a tomato, and my hair is in pig tails with little pink bows. 

I look over at Nagisa, who is laughing so hard tears are brimming his eyes and his face is turning a light pink from laughing so hard. That just gets me blushing even more furiously. 

"Karma come ba-" I don't let Koro-sensei finish as I rush out of the door and slam it on the way out. I fast walk with my blazing red hair covering my flushed face, going towards a tree a few treks away from the school. 

I slide down and and put my arms so they are resting on my knees, then slide my head between my arms. That's when I feel the first tear that I had been holding in all day. I don't know why I am crying, maybe it has something to do with what has been going on at home, but it feels good for some reason. Like release.... 

~Nagisa's POV~

I rush out of the school looking for Karma, I told Koro-sensei I would find him and bring him back since he shouldn't be skipping, then rushed out the door. It was kind of awkward in a skirt, but it wasn't too much of a hassle. 

I walk over to a tree in the back of the school, one he used to always go to during our first year, and see him in a ball with his back to the tree. 

I feel a sudden pulse go through me, and I pause, if only for what feels like a second.

What was that?

I stand there for another moment, before I turn around and go back into the classroom. Not noticing that Karma had stirred and had a small pocket knife in his hand. I didn't notice how he was bringing it to his exposed arm, and how he was going to drag it vertically across his wrist. 

I kept walking, until I got to the door. Something inside of me was urging me to turn around, but I ignored it.

He needs his alone time, I'll check on him after class. He'll be fine. 

As I walk into the classroom, Koro-sensei looks at me oddly, "Where's Karma?"

"I think he just needs his alone time sir, he seemed tired. I'll get him after this period."

He just nods, well kind of, before I turn and walk back to my seat for the rest of the period.

~Le Time Skip to after that period~

I walk outside while everyone else is preoccupied with one another's company, and walk over to the tree. 

Was he in that position before?

He is lying down, curled around the tree so I couldn't see his torso up. He didn't seem to be moving, which slightly worried me. 

He has to be alright though, everything will be fine....

I walk up to the other side of the tree.


I start to shake him.

"Why... just no Karma... no... wake up..."

I turn him over so he is laying on his back and start to shake him vigorously. 

"Karma please! Please wake up!"

I look down at his wrists and see the blood covering his cloths where they made contact.

How did I not notice that before...

I bring his right arm to my face and hug it, crying into it.

"Please... please... please Karma why... just please wake up Karma... please...."

I cry there for what seems like ages, before I get up and realize he is actually gone.

Why did I have to turn around?

Why did I have to leave him?

Why didn't I stay....

"Karma's... dead." I whisper, quietly to myself. Then, I walk into the front doors of the school.

~You know what's gonna happen right?~

I jump, as though waking from one of those falling dreams, and look around at where I am. 

What... what just happened?

I look in front of me and see Karma curled up, with his back against the tree. Just like when I first checked on him.

No... I can't let that happen. I have to stop him...

I run up to him, and grab him in my arms, enveloping him in a hug.

"Don't do it Karma... don't kill yourself..." I whisper, mostly to myself, but I know he heard it.

"How... how did you know?" he says, tears falling from his eyes like rain sliding down a window. Fast and delicate. 

How do I know? I swear I knew a second ago...

I just shook my head and brought him up so he was standing, and sat next to him, holding him in my embrace. 

I thought about what brought me to come sit by him, how I had known, but it is all fading away. 

We both eventually fell asleep. 


"Nagisa!" I hear the sound of my mother's voice waking through my dreams. 

I feel a pain on my head and open my eyes to see my mother dragging me by the hair down the hill. She only let's out a few words that I take as an explanation.

"You have been a bad girl, hanging out with that naughty boy..."

Her Puppet, Now and Forever (Assassination Classroom Fanfic, Nagisa x Karma)Where stories live. Discover now