The Runaways, Karma and Nagisa

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~Nagisa's POV~

"Hey, I was thinking about the other day. Can you tell me the story about how you found this shack again?" Karma asked me randomly as we were cuddling on the sofa. 

"Sure, we definitely have the time for it."

I sit up and face him, since it's kind of hard to think with him being so close to me. I take a deep breath, and start, "Back when I lived here a few years back I used to run away from home a lot. This was back when my dad still lived with my mom and I, so he would tell me to leave the house for a bit when he sensed one of mom's outbursts. I didn't really have anywhere I could go, I would try the park that was across the street, but you could still hear my mother there. One day I decided to go up this hill, since our house was on the bottom of it and all, it seemed like a fun place to explore."

"Sounds kinda dangerous to me, especially since you were pretty young at this point..." Karma grumbled, but I shushed him.

"The walk was actually pretty peaceful, and I've always been a pretty cautious person, so scouting ahead and stuff was like second nature. That's when I stumbled across this shack. At the time, it was pretty dark inside,  and kind of cobwebby, but after a little bit of cleaning up it was in working order. I went there everyday - it didn't matter if my mom was having one of those days, I just loved to lounge about and pretend it was my own little home," I pause to look at the place again, a little dramatic pause doesn't hurt anything.   

"It was my safe place, and I actually went there almost everyday until we had to move. It was hard to live without it, but I guess I managed. It feels amazing being back, even if it's only temporary. I had actually almost forgotten about it if I'm being honest," I look up at Karma to see a soft expression on his face.

"Well, maybe this can be our safe place now?" Karma hummed, a little hesitantly. He grabbed my hand and moved me so I was leaning on  him.

"I would like that, we could meet up here whenever one or both of us needed to get away from family," I say, closing my eyes a bit, then I remembered.  "Oh yeah! Karma, what's been going on at home for you lately? We've been so focused on me, I'm sorry. Do you wanna talk about it now? I-I mean I don't wanna rush you, we can ta.... I mean you can talk to me about it whenever you need to!" 

Karma laughs a bit at that, causing a pink blush to start to pool on my face, "Maybe not right now, it's so peaceful and cheery in here, and I feel like relaxing more, you know?"

"I know what you mean," I say, as I lean in to kiss him on the cheek. My eyes and I start to have a war, as I try my best to keep them open. 

"Someone's getting tired~" Karma chuckles, as I yawn-say shut up. 

"Mmm good.... night..."

"Goodnight you adorable little spork."

Hey guys! Long time no see?

Is that even acceptable at this point.

So, it's almost December. I hadn't updated this since like -what- August? September? Oh boy, it feels like years. 

I went back and edited almost every chapter, but not like major edits, just little fixes. There might be a significant change in Koro's explanation of the time shifts if you wanna go back and check that out.

School's kinda really sucky, and I'm really stressing out with it. I'm doing an independent study thing of Algebra 2 (I'm a sophomore) where I go ahead and at my own pace, but I had an anxiety attack/depression episode thingy on the day I was supposed to take my first test and now I'm doubting my capabilities and my math teacher is too, and I'm questioning whether or now I wanna just go back and join the class and their pace. But then like, most of them know by now so I'm nervous about it even though I think it's for the best (since I'm teaching myself from the math book and lemme tell you those things suck. I have to find my own method, and it's killing me. I told a lot of people about it too, and I was so confident. Reminds me of We Don't Believe What's On TV  by Twenty One Pilots, with the lines "What if my dream does not happen? Would I just change what I've told my friends?" Do I just tell them maybe I was wrong? Honestly, I already doubt myself a lot so this would probably set me back a few years on working on believing in myself. 

That was longer than expected, sorry >.< 

I'm just really scared, you know

Thanksgiving kind of sucked, since I was sick the other day my dad wouldn't let me touch the food myself or join in on anything so that's great. 

BUt, I am getting my inspiration back with this stuff!

Well, let me know how you all are doing? I'm curious!

OH and, I guess where are you all from? I mean I can see through analyctics where some are, and gosh it's diverse, I even got a few readers in Japan the other day! 

You little ships keep sailing!


Her Puppet, Now and Forever (Assassination Classroom Fanfic, Nagisa x Karma)Where stories live. Discover now