My best friend, Nagisa

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~Karma's POV~

I start climbing up the side of his house, with the help of a tree, and slowly make it to his bedroom window. Luckily for me, he left it open. With a small jump, I land on his bed quietly and sneak out of the room, not making a sound. I hear Nagisa's mom screaming at him and a sort of pounding sound. 

I need to hurry...

When I make it to the bottom of the stairs, I peek around the corner into the dining space and see the the figure of Nagisa's mom, facing the opposite direction. A red and blue looking blurr is in front of her. 

That can't be...

"You worthless child! I provide for you so much and this is what you give me in return! How dare you! How dare you, Nagisa! This will teach you to behave!" Nagisa's mom screams, her arms moving in a punching motion, then moving up and down as though hammering something. 

"K....karmm.....a" I hear a forced scream, and that's when I leap into the room and wrap my hands around Nagisa's mom's neck, pulling her back and throwing her across the room into a closet before locking it. She starts banging on the door, but I ignore it. 

I have to help him...

I rush to the figure on the floor, a small puddle of blood forming around his head. His face covered in blood and bruises forming all over him. 

"Nagisa... I wish I had come sooner..." I say, feeling like I was going to cry and barf at the same time. The sight in front of me was unlike anything that I had seen before. It was frightening, and horrible. 

How could someone do this to their own son?

He's unconscious and breathing very raggedly. A cup lays shattered below his arm, and a broken chair with blood stains here and there is behind him. His arm is twisted in a weird position as well. The more I look the worse his injuries are. 

"Nagisa... I'm going to pick you up now and take you to the hospital. It'll... it'll be okay..." I whisper quietly to him. My phone died earlier today and he doesn't have one so I can't call an ambulance. I just hope that he doesn't get worse before we get to the hospital. 

I reach under him and pick him up as gently as possible, and hold him bridal-style, walking slowly to the car in front of the house. He lets out a few groans on the way out. I steel the keys off the key rack and slowly set Nagisa on the back seats of the car. I learned how to drive earlier that year, which is really coming in handy right now.

We are almost there when he lets out a small scream of pain. A coat on the back of his seat fell on his face. He jumps up and screams again, laying down and squirming in pain. Tears everywhere on his face. 

Please make it....

I finally pull into the entrance of where they put emergency patients, slowly grab him out of the car, and bring him to the door. Tears starting to fall down my eyes as well. As I walk in a few doctors look over, and after a small moment of staring they run.

Everything seems to be in slow motion, the books and files they were holding slowly fall from their hands and hit the floor as they run over and hit me with questions I can't understand right now. A bed thing is brought over and I put Nagisa on it. I watch as they seem to slowly wheel him away, with his lifeless face looking in my direction the whole time. 

I fall to my knees and put my head in my hands.

Why'd this have to happen?

~And this is where I blow minds~ (>.< <-- me cringing at this line)

I get out of my daze and realize Nagisa is still on my shoulders and we are a few blocks away, and it is still light out. 

What did I just see?

I quickly start running as though our lives depended on it, and make it to the front of his house with about 10 minutes to spare. I'm gasping and sputtering from the sprint, and let Nagisa off while I catch my breath. He looks dazed but then thanks me before going up to the door and opening it. This time, I hear his mother greet him happily.

I walk away, still in a daze from what I just say play in my mind. I feel like I just stopped something horrible from happening. 

As I walk closer to my own house, I slowly forget what I saw, and just feel like something weird happened. 

I open the door and walk in, then make my way sluggishly to my room and collapse on the bed. Falling into a deep sleep.

So this is going to be like a one time Authors Note thingy, but I'm not so sure about this chapter. I might redo it in the future. Just to be clear, the italicized parts that were by themselves are thoughts. Did those improve the story at all? 

The picture is Nagisa Shiota - Last Battle by YugataKisu

I hope you liked it at least, and any suggestions or thoughts are amazing!  

Well, see you in the next chapter!

You little ships keep sailing!


Her Puppet, Now and Forever (Assassination Classroom Fanfic, Nagisa x Karma)Where stories live. Discover now