Chapter One

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Dan sits at his desk in the history classroom, his eyes lazily gracing the board, whilst his pen notes down only the simplest of answers so the teacher thinks he's actually working. Unbeknownst to the rest of the class, Dan wings pretty much everything. His good grades are a poor reflection of this, but the facts and figures just seem to come easily to him, and there's just no pressure in any of his lessons. Th only lesson the boy has ever struggled with is PE, since Dan fails to simply coordinate his feet. Apart from that, every other subject is just easy B's, if not A's, which is what they usually are. Many would say that this is a blessing, but to Dan, it's an ever constant battle to meet false expectations.

The clock hanging just above the board ticks ever closer to twenty past twelve, the time everyone is longing for: Lunch time. For many students (and possibly most of the teachers), lunch time proves to be the best time of day. You get to see your friends, and you get to eat. Honestly, it's a win-win.

Kyle Simmons, the schools most popular and best basketball player, sits across the room, his hand furiously gripping his pen as it scribbles down every single detail articulated in the four walls this hour. His feet sit beneath the chair in front of him, his height denying the simple luxury of sitting comfortably in a chair. Nonetheless, cramped legs forgotten, he still works away, his interested eyes flicking through every word on the board, and to the copy on the piece of paper in front of him. 

Seriously. Dan can't help but huff to himself, pulling up the sleeves to his blazer. The French Revolution is about as hard as World War Two. The idea that it just doesn't click with some people (Not naming any names- Kyle Simmons.) seemed completely crazy for Dan. Everything he does, besides from physical things, are always done well, and with accurate facts and figures. How can people just say they don't get it? It infuriates him, especially seeing people in his own class getting E's and U's, which are horrific grades.

Dan isn't known much around school. He has his fair share of friends- Ralph and Woody to name a small selection, but he's quite happy keeping it that way. He doesn't want to do anything to anybody, and nobody does anything back. He's never involved in lesson breaking drama ('Oh my God! Did you hear that apparently Tyler and Jenna christened the back seat of his best friends car last Friday?!') , and he just keeps to himself. Easy.

Kyle Simmons, however, is the complete opposite. He doesn't have a 'fair share' of friends. He has a sea of friends. He will walk through the corridors and smile at everyone. One of the tallest kids in school, and the best basketball player to every grace the PE department means he just hits it off well with everyone. Harmless, yet in his own sense, terrifying. 

When the shrill ring of the bell finally interrupts their lecturing teacher, Dan is the first one out of the room, dying to rush towards the steps that he and his friends occupy doing lunch, for the simple reasons of: 

If you have sandwiches- which Dan and his friends do- you will inevitably get kicked out of that diner, since  apparently everyone else takes top priority, leaving those with packed lunches to scrounge for any other place... And get kicked out of there when they find one. Fair.

The other diner, which is smelly, cold, and titled the old diner for a reason, reminds everyone of the horrible mixture of nausea/anxiety which you feel before, and probably during, (after, too, if you're unlucky) exams, since the old diner is one of the two halls where exams take place. Ugh. I know. 

When he arrives, Ralph is already sat on the top steps with his girlfriend- Macey? Lacey? Something like that. Dan never pays much attention to her, and can't be bothered to remember her name. She's a nice girl and all, but Dan's just not bothered with being all social. Woody, however, is usually always the last to join the ever growing group of friends, since he's across the school in the music department most days, furiously drumming away, like he's been doing since he was about six.

"All right then, Mate?" Ralph asks, quickly greeting his friend, though denying him the chance to answer before turning back to his love and ignoring Dan's presence- not that it bothers Dan. With Ralph, though, Dan always feels as though there's some sort of problem. He'll be in an argument with some family member, or with his girlfriend, and there's always just some drama. Dan, however, abuses the concept of the phrase of putting one foot in front of the other, and just walking. He's never really had to face any drama.

He's never had a girlfriend. No one has ever particularly caught his interest, nor even caught his eye. He's had a few friends who around girls, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they are his girlfriend/s- not that Dan's family seem to understand that, but whatever- no one's just interested him in that sort of way.

He's not bi, nor straight, nor gay. In the usual world of Dan, those are the three categories which he would usually class people into being, or being into, until he actually discovered that there are more (on Tumblr, where he also found out there's pan-sexuality, which he initially believed was being attracted the kitchen appliances. Whatever floats your boat, at the end of the day.) , and generally stopped categorising people all together. If you were to ask him what sexuality he is, he'll just shrug at you. Whoever comes just comes, he guesses. In the literal and metaphorical sense, too.  He just gets on with it.

"Psst. Hey. Hey, Danny. Danny? Is that your name? I dunno. Oi!" Someone whispers loudly behind him in French class fifth period. Dan closes his eyes, taking a deep breath, and inhaling deeply before he turns around.

"It's Dan." He tells Kyle when he meets his eye- just realising how brown they are. Dan's sure to make sure no sense of amusement, which is burning inside him, is betrayed by his face. "Just Dan." 

Kyle nods, a look of sorry flashing across his face. "Right, Dan... Sorry. Please just tell me the French translation for 'going to the park with one's friend's.'" He asks politely, giving a shining smile. Even being seventeen, and in sixth form, their school still make them wear the uniform, which is stupid, especially because many of the males have beards, like Kyle, which make them look totally stupid in their uniform.

Nodding, Dan carries out a quick translation in his head, taking his no more than a few seconds. "Aller au parc avec ceux des amis." He tells Kyle confidently.

"Oh...Wow. That was fast," Kyle smiles at Dan, laughing  slightly and looking at his work, before meeting eyes again. "But thank you. I owe you one." 

Dan smiles, his straight face finally cracking. "You have no idea how close I was to saying 'Ta mère.'" He confesses letting out a little laugh, especially at Kyle's eyebrows furrowing in confusion. The person next to him laughs, clearly understanding the joke better than Kyle, who pauses.

"And what's that?" He asks, genuinely curious. 

Dan lifts and eyebrow. "Your mother." 

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