Chapter Seven

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Let's face it: Mondays are hardly ever a good day. They are more than often the start of something you probably really don't want to be part of, whether it's school, college, work, or, on a deeper note, life in general. It's just a tiring and overall unpleasant thing to have to put up with on a weekly basis. In Kyle's mind, it was clear that Mondays couldn't get harder. On one week, he started with maths first thing, on the next, he had P.E. Mondays are impossible, but today, he feels like the whole year is going to be impossible.

Dan and Kyle had gotten into the routine where Kyle would pick Dan up to go to school every morning, and then they'd do something (mainly make out in the forest) after school. It was a comfortable and more practical thing for them both to do.

"I want to kiss you..." Kyle admits hopelessly to Dan, his hand clutched tightly in the other boys, in the comfort of his small car. Their hands are hidden away from the nosey year eights who flood through the main gates of the academy, and eye the two of them suspiciously. Kyle presents them all with the gift of his middle finger, muttering about the 'nosey bastards'. 

"I want you to kiss me," Dan's voice is almost silent as he replies, his voice low and flat. Straight away, Kyle can tell something's going on in Dan's minds that bringing him down. He's never usually like this, not when Kyle's with him, at least.

Kyle turns to Dan with worry upon his face, concern etching into his words. He notices Dan's teary, red eyes. "Are you okay?" He asks quietly, un-clipping his seatbelt and turning to comfort Dan better. "Danny," he says, "What's wrong?" In the front seat of the car, it's uncomfortable to even try to hug Dan, but Kyle doesn't mind. He doesn't made hanging half off his seat to support his love.

Dan takes a moment to compose himself the best he can, his watery eyes betraying him. "I'm scared, Kyle," he whispers, closing his eyes for just a second, then looking to Kyle. "I'm so scared." 

Kyle's eyes widen for a second, and he wipes away a stray tear that rolls down his face. "Why are you scared, Danny? Is it your mum?" He pauses for a moment, but Dan feels as though he can hardly breathe. "You have nothing to worry about, Danny, they don't have to know about us. It's between us, you and me, and at the end of the day, that's all that matters." He tells Dan, who just shakes his head.

"It's not just that, Kyle," he says suddenly, "I'm scared of everything. Yes, the thought of my mum finding out is making me want to be sick, but I'm so scared you'll realise what's wrong with me, how flawed I am, and that I'm not perfect, or I'm not who you think I am. I'm scared you'll find out, and you'll think I'm some sort of weirdo. There's so, so much more to me than you know, and I'm not ready to tell you." 

Kyle pauses to lap up the information Dan has laid out on the table for him. He rubs Dan's arm in comfort, squeezing his hand. "Then whatever it is, Danny, it can wait until you are comfortable enough to tell me, okay? Nothing you can say within reason will change my opinion on you. I love you, Danny, and you're not going to change that, unless you, like, kill someone," 

Dan chuckles lightly at Kyle's comment, nodding slightly. Despite this, Kyle still worries about Dan throughout the day.

Kyle takes a seat at the edge of the stream, one of his arms supporting himself, the other wrapped around Dan's frame, who sits next to him, his hood up despite the lack of rain. Between them, they share a pair of earphones, a random playlist off of YouTube playing out on the screen. 

Dan's been quiet all day. He hasn't really said anything, and it's beginning to worry Kyle probably more than he feels it should. "Danny," Kyle takes Dan's hand, and rubs it. "I want you to know, okay, that even if you don't want to talk to me about whatever's bothering you, you can. If you don't want to, that's fine, but just in case you do, I'm always here, and I will always talk to you." Dan looks up to him, still silent, and nods. He leans forward, and the two of them meet for a kiss, which Kyle is eager for, although Dan lacks the same response he usually has. "Okay?"

"Okay," Dan replies, cuddling into Kyle's shoulder. And that's where they stayed for a few hours.

Usually, Kyle's phone would rest on his bedside table whilst it charges on silent, like every other sane person- although since his worries of Dan throughout the day, he kept it on loud, just in case, he kept telling himself, trying to ignore the growing worry working it's way up from the pit of his stomach.

Though it proves to be a good job he had, as at three o'clock, the old school Zelda theme tune blasted through the speaker of his phone, waking up with worry immediately. He scrambled across his bed to get it before his parents woke up.

"Danny?" He asked as he put the phone to his ear, his voice groggy from sleep though sick with worry. A silent cry came from the other side. "Danny? Can you hear me, Danny? What's wrong?" 

"C-can you come ov-over?" Dan pleaded from the phone, his voice shaking although quiet. "P-please, Kyle. I need you." 

As soon as Dan finished his sentence, Kyle grabbed his jeans from the floor and quickly pulled them over his boxers, leaving his pyjama shirt on. "I'm on my way, Danny. I'll be there as soon as I can, okay?" 

"Okay. The back door is open." 

Kyle races through every red light with no cares in the world apart from his boyfriend, sitting all alone on the bedroom floor, with tears streaming down his face at his own thoughts. He wastes no time in scrambling over the fence in the back garden, and silently entering the house, and making his way up the stairs from memory.

"Danny?" He asks quietly, stepping into Dan's room. The room is dark, although in the corner, a figure sits, hunched with the duvet wrapped around him. Kyle closes the door behind him, tiptoeing across the room. "Danny, what's wrong?" 

Slowly, the light by Dan's bed comes to life, and Kyle makes his way over to Dan, wrapping him up in the biggest bear hug he could. "You're go-going to think I-I'm completely crazy," Dan sobs into Kyle's shoulder. 

"No, I won't, Danny. Just tell me, you're clearly not okay," Dan's breath hitches as Kyle speaks, and the boy gives himself a mental prep talk.

"I can hear them talking. I can hear my mum yelling at me, I can hear my parents arguing, I can hear everyone at school making fun of us, insulting us, hurting us. It's not fair, an-and you don't deserve it, and you shouldn't have to put up with it because of me," Dan finally confesses. "I can feel the pain that they're going to cause us-" 

"Danny," Kyle says, silencing Dan. "Danny, nobodies going to hurt us. They won't care about us- and that's if they find out, which they won't. Don't listen to what your mum says, that's what I've been doing for the last eighteen years of my life. Just smile, put your armour on," he says, "If you're happy, they can piss off. They don't matter, Danny." 

"But I know that even if I do that it's still going to hurt," 

"Of course it hurts, Danny, words hurt the most, and they always will, but you've just got to find a way to ignore it, to treat it as no more than a splinter in the thumb of a giant," Kyle explains, letting out a little laugh at his last comment. "Do you want me to stay here tonight? Or will you be okay?" 

"Can you stay? We can just stay off tomorrow." 

"Of course, Danny." 

"I love you, Kyle." 

"I love you too, Danny." 

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