Chapter Four

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Like he had done previously, Kyle pulls his car up in front of Dan's house, and looks over to his friend.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep," he apologises, his cheeks flushing red with embarrassment, like the awkward teenager he is. Kyle waves his hand to stop the boys rambling apology, but Dan goes on. "It's just, like, school, and all of that. I really am sorry." 

"Christ, Dan, stop apologising," the taller boy finally manages to stop Dan, letting out a little laugh. To be clear, he had enjoyed the time that Dan had spent resting on him. At least, he did before his mum decided to make an appearance. "It's completely fine." Quietly, Kyle turns off the cars engine, and the vehicle resides into a stuffy yet comfortable silence. 

With his bag resting on his lap, Dan shuffles slightly in his seat, glancing down to his battered converse, and then to Kyle. "Well, thank you for the lift, anyway. And thanks for letting me come round your house. I had a really, really nice time- well, for the time I was awake I did... Do you want to come in for a little while?" He offers, holding his bag by it's strap. He doesn't want to leave the car. Well, more Kyle than the actual car.

"I would love to, Danny, but I think it's best if I just head off home. My dad should be home from work any time now, anyway. I guess I'll see you tomorrow, then? I've had a nice time, too. Especially since half of it was spent with your head on my shoulder." Kyle winks at Dan, making the boy blush even more than he already is. He simply doesn't want to mention how he has to go home since his mum is already suspicious of them both. He doesn't want to mention that if he says one wrong thing about Dan in front of his parents he'll wind up without a home. He doesn't want to worry Dan like that. He shouldn't have to worry about that.

Even though he is slightly disappointed that their time together is drawing to an end much faster than either of them want it to, Dan nods. "Yeah. I'll probably see you at school tomorrow." Slowly, he opens the car door and steps out onto the pavement, picking his body up from the seat. "Right, well, see you." 

"See you later, Danny," Kyle smiles in response to Dan as he shuts the door to the car, and the engine rumbles back into conciousness.

As the car disappears around the corner, Dan turns back towards his house, an overwhelming feeling of happiness diffusing throughout his body, one he hasn't felt in a long time. Especially here.

"Daniel?" His mum calls as he opens the front door, stepping inside and closing it behind him. "Daniel, is that you?" 

"Yes, Mum," he calls back into the house. "It's me." 

The walls are decorated in the same beige they have been in forever. The house looks like the perfect family home, because it belongs to the perfect family. All but one, anyway. Daniel isn't perfect. Battling everyday with depression, some days Dan wouldn't be able to even pull himself out of bed. He was genuinely unhappy with everything and everyone around him. He wanted nothing more than to be left alone. 

"It's nice to see you out, Daniel. Really, it is. I'm glad your making friends," his Mum smiles at him as she stands by the cooker in the kitchen. "Who is your friend, anyway?" 

"His name is Kyle. He's really cool, Mum, I really enjoy hanging around with him." Dan smiles as though he's high on drugs the dentist gives you.

"Good, well, as long as that's all it is," Mrs Smith tells her son with a slight underlying warning. Dan rolls his eyes. Why should they have to interfere with his happiness? It's not fair on him. He wonders if Kyle has better parents who support him. 

"Yes, Mum, that's all it is." He huffs, kicking off his shoes and discarding his school bag in the cupboard. "I'm going upstairs for a bit. Call me when tea is done, please." 

Dan jogs up the stairs two at a time, and dives into the chair by his desk, where his computer is set up, and quickly logs into Facebook. His heart drops slightly when he realises there is no new friend requests, so he searches Kyle's name.

Seeing Kyle's picture spreads a grin across his face, a dozy kind of smile. Something deep inside of him flickers, making his legs cross and his cheeks heat in embarrassment. 

Stop it, Dan. He warns himself, letting the mouse hang over the Send Friend Request button. He probably isn't even gay. 

Despite his biting thoughts, he clicks the mouse and sends the friend request off with high hopes. With the way Kyle was acting around Dan, anyone would think they've got something going off.

Dan waits in his bedroom for a little while to let the problem in his pants sort itself out before he does anything else. He just scrolls through Tumblr, blowing out short puffs at air at things he finds mildly amusing.

"Daniel, tea's ready!" His mum calls up the stairs when everything is back to normal, dragging Dan, albeit kicking and screaming, back into reality. 

"So, Kyle, huh?" His dad teases at the table, giving him a friendly kick under the table. At least his dad's views were not near as extreme as his mums. "New friend?" 

"Dad, stop," Dan laughs, shaking his head. He wins in the battle against the heat in his cheeks. "It's not like that." 

"That'd be gross," his brother comments, scrunching his face up.

"No, it wouldn't. Love is love, and quite  frankly, if Daniel likes it up the arse or not, it's not your business," 

"Oh my God." Dan mutters, covering his face with his hands, squeezing his eyes shut in a plead for the moment to disappear. 

Loudly, Mrs Smith scolds her husband. "You shouldn't be encouraging such behaviour in this household!" 

Mr Smith, just like Dan had done, rolls his eyes. "Hey, if the boy's happy, leave him be. If people are in love, they're in love. Change is happening, and whether or not you like it, it'll keep happening." 

After the paralysingly awkward tea, Dan runs back upstairs, hiding away in embarrassment from his parents, his cheeks still burning.

When he turns the computer back on, and logs into Facebook, his face lights up, a grin making an appearance. 

Kyle Simmons accepted your friend request.

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