Chapter Nine

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Dan sits next to Kyle on the bench, both of them keeping an acceptable distance in the eyes of the outside world. Kyle looks around the shopping centre at the array of food choices on offer. "What do you want to eat, Danny?" He questions, "Fast food or a sit down meal?" 

Dan rubs his hands on his jeans subconsciously, having changed ten minutes ago in the bathrooms to the shopping centre. "I don't mind," he shrugs, "Anywhere will do. Honestly it's all up to you." 

Kyle shakes his head, "No Danny, it's your day. We do what you want." He replies. Dan just stares at Kyle's hands, allowing, even for a moment, for his mind to wonder. What would happen if he was to just reach over and hold it? What would Kyle do or say? What would anyone around them say? Though...His hand does look soft, and awfully welcoming.

Dan laughs, slightly blushing. "Shut up, Kyle. It's not my day." He laughs, his cheeks and ears going pink. "Seriously, though, I'm not bothered. Get whatever you fancy. If it's edible, I'll eat it." He looks up from Kyle's hands, and to his face. God, as if it's not obvious that he's head over heels for him.

Kyle looks to Dan, and smiles. "Well, I have an idea. How about we get a McDonalds, go to our spot, and eat there?" He suggests, "That'd be nice. We'll get milkshakes and McFlurry's, and no one will be able to see us." 

Dan nods, the idea of some privacy inviting. "Yeah, I'd like that, too." 

Their area is once again clear of anyone else when the two of them arrive with brown paper bags full of food. Kyle sits down first, taking the food off of Dan, and offering a hand to 'help him', which he really uses as an excuse just to hold Dan's hand- not that Dan is complaining. The birds in the trees sing as they watch them too, and the sheep in a far off field give their own contribution.

"I've had a really, really nice time today, Kyle," Dan says, leaning into Kyle's shoulder. "Really, I have. Thank you so, so much. I really needed it." He leans up to kiss Kyle, who kisses him back. It takes him away from the moment for a while.

"Oh, Danny, it's been my pleasure." Kyle replies, smiling as a warm feeling diffuses throughout his body. "I love you." 

Dan smiles, leaning back onto Kyle, and shoving a handful of fries into his mouth. "I love you, too." He says, closing his eyes for a short minute to enjoy the moment even more. 

"Danny, can I ask you something?" Kyle says, breaking the short period of silence between them. He has a burger- now with a giant bite taken out of it- in his hands. Dan nods against his shoulder. "I know you mentioned about your mum, but, like, what will happen if she does find out?" 

Dan sighs, shaking his head. "I don't know, Kyle. Really, I don't. My dad's, like, all for it, because he's 'down with the kids' and all that, and I know he wouldn't care either way, like I said the other day, but my mum...Yeah, she's not a fan. She asked about you when you dropped me off one night, and told me that being friends better have been all we were," Dan explains, rolling his eyes. "I just hope she'll see it and be like, oh well he's still my son. And move on. She's even got my siblings at it," 

"Well, that's rubbish." Kyle says, shoving the remains of their food in the bag, rolls it up, and tucks it away into his backpack. He leans to lie on the grass, and Dan follows, resting his head on Kyle's chest. 

"What about you?" Dan asks after, "What about your parents?" 

Some sort of strange mixture of a groan and a laugh comes out of Kyle, and he shuts his eyes. "Yeah, about that..." He says, opening his eyes again. The sun peaks through the breaks in the leaves above, casting yellow sunlight onto the ground. "They'd basically kick me out," 

Dan sits up, looking at Kyle. "What?" He says, frowning in disgust. "Kyle, that's awful! That's...That's disgusting! How could they do that to their son?" 

"Danny, calm down. What they don't know won't hurt them, and I don't plan on them knowing." Kyle replies, sitting up with Dan. "Besides, the sooner I can leave there, the better." 

The look of worry on Dan's face makes Kyle wrap his arms around him, saying something reassuring to the other boy. "But what if they do find out, Kyle? What if?" 

"Danny, if you live life purely by what if's, then you'll never do anything. What happens if we get back in my car and crash? If you leave to go to school tomorrow and get hit by a car? You'll be living in fear and never go out. Take risks, Danny. This is mine." He tells the shorter boy, rubbing his back. He can't shake the feeling of sickness he gets about the idea of his parents finding out, but, for Dan's sake, he ignores it. "Okay?" 

Dan sighs, nodding. "Okay." 

"Good." Kyle replies, kissing the top of Dan's head. 

"Where have you been?" Kyle's Dad asks when he walks through the door, his car keys in hand. Kyle looks over at him. 

"Huh?" He asks, putting on his innocent I-have-no-idea-what-you're-talking-about face. "What do you mean?" 

"You're late home from school. You're never usually this late." His dad replies, crossing his arms in an unimpressed manner. "So; where were you?" 

Kyle laughs, "Dad, I had training, and then I went out with two of my friends. It's fine. I've not joined a drug ring, or been hanging with prostitutes or anything," he jokes, trying to crack through his dad's shell.

"Which friends?" His dad persists, not even smiling at Kyle's joke.

"Woody and Dan. I met them the other week, so no, you haven't heard of them." He's only been in two minutes, and the idea of turning back around, getting Dan, and driving far, far away seems appealing. "Look, Dad, I'm tired. I'm just going to go upstairs, shower, and go to sleep, okay?" 

After talking to his dad for a bit, Dan walks upstairs, a buzzing feeling of happiness and peace filling him. But for some odd reason, a hint of suspicion creeps up as he realises his door is shut- which he usually leaves open. Carefully, he steps forward, slowly pushing down the handle, and pushing it open.

Instead of his usual, dull blue bed sheets, they're replaced by every colour of the rainbow, making Dan stand there for a moment, before he finally walks to his bed, seeing the note.

I saw Kyle this morning. He's too tall not to notice. It's ok to be gay :) -Dad x

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