Finally, some details.

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Over the next day or so, we continued our journey to San Francisco, stopping in small secluded areas along the way.  We had managed to get over three quarters of the way with only a couple of monster attacks (a rouge hydra and a cyclops).

Only about a days drive away from the city, we pitched camp to get some rest and figure out a plan.

"Okay. So, Kat?" Kat looked up from her bow, which she had been fixing (long story), and seemed puzzled,

"All Artemis told us was that we were to go to San Francisco because things were stirring." Robyn elaborated,

"We're not far from San Francisco but 'stop things from stirring' in a large city does not sound like a detailed mission plan to me." Eva put a hand on her hip, eyebrows raised expectantly.

"Oh right, okay." Katherine seemed to get our point and put down her bow. "Well, we're looking for a book-" 

"A book?" Jasper echoed,

"We came all this way just for a book?" Theo moaned,

"Shut up." I snapped, "Let Kat finish."

"Thanks Lyra." Kat shot the twins a death glare, "Anyway, as I was saying, this book. It wont be easy to find, someone has it, and they're using it to do... unnatural things." Robyn swallowed,

"What kind of things?" 

"Trying to raise the dead-"

"I knew it!" Kaylen clapped her hands. "I could feel that strange things were going on." Kaylen was a daughter of Hades so usually she could feel souls as they passed (or in some cases didn't pass) through to the underworld. Katherine cleared her throat, "Sorry. Continue." 

"Raising dead, controlling people, experimenting with DNA, just things that no one, should be doing."

"So, do we know exactly where to go?" Robyn asked, Kat winced slightly,

"Not exactly"

"Well, do we at least have a rough area?" Eva pressed, Kat nodded, looking relieved. 

"That, I do have." She pulled out a map, "So we actually have two separate areas to search-"

"Great." Kat ignored me and carried on speaking,

"The book, we believe is in the San Fransisco Bay Area, but, the person who is using the book, is actually in Oakland." 

"So, which one first? The bad guy or the weapon?" Charlie asked,

"Wait, do we even know who this 'bad guy' is anyway?" Eva wondered, Kat nodded grimly,

"I'm afraid so..." She shot a sideways glance at me and I didn't need to ask who it was. My stomach churned, my heart rate picked up dramatically and my palms became sweaty, 



Sorry this chapter was so short, but I just really wanted to end it at this point, I couldn't resist ;D I hope you guys are enjoying it so far, comment any ideas you have for me or anything like that.

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