Feast Preparation

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I tucked a loose strand of my long blonde hair behind my ear and notched an arrow. I released it in the direction of the noise, perfectly timed so that just as the rabbit hopped out of the bush... KABOOM. The arrow hit it full on in the eyeball. I picked it up and chucked it into my bag with the rest of them, ignoring the blood on my fingers. I started to head back to the camp when I heard a twig snap behind me. I spun around and felt my shoulders sag with relief; It was only Eva. Her blonde hair futtered in the breeze and she was smiling. I grinned back. Eva was a daughter of Poseidon and had grey eyes that shone in the late evening light.

"You caught anything yet?" I asked, she nodded,

"Just a few rabbits, you?"

"Same." I replied, "We should get back to the camp, her ladyship will be leaving soon," Eva nodded in agreement and together the two of us walked the rest of the way to the camp. The only sound was Luna, my pet fawn, trotting behind us, her light footsteps making a crunching noise in the snow. I stared down at my feet for the majority of the journey.

"Meow?" Came a small voice, it was Eva's hunting cat; Huntress. I looked up, we had arrived at camp.

"Hi guys! You catch anything?" Came a bright voice - it was our friend Katherine. Like Eva, Katherine also had a pet cat, although where Huntress had a tabby patterned coat, Marley, was a snowy colour with a big fluffy tail. Katherine had brushed her brown hair into a French braid and her silver crown rested on her head - showing that she was Artemis' lieutenant.

"Some rabbits, nothing much," I smiled, her hazel eyes sparkled. She looked about 13 but really she was 139, Katherine was also a demigod; daughter of Apollo.

"Okay! Wanna come help us set up for the feast?" She asked, we nodded and followed her into one of the bigger tents.

Inside, someone had started to lay the old fashioned oak table and plates of mouth watering food were being placed on it. I licked my lips and shrugged my bag off of my shoulder,

"Where should I put this?" I enquired and Katherine directed me to a pile of hunting bags in the corner, Eva came with me and together we emptied our rabbits into one
bag and dumped our empty ones on the floor.

"So, are you excited for Friday?" She asked - although I looked 14, I was really 99 and would be celebrating my 100th birthday that Friday. Most people knew I wasn't too thrilled about the idea. I know that most people would love to have tons of birthdays, but once you've had about 90 of them, it gets really boring. Trust me.

Just then, someone rushed into the room,

"Hurry!" She squealed, "Lady Artemis is coming!"

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