I'm back... And Only a Day Later

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May 1st 2016
6:32 pm

You asked if I had my first kiss. I asked earlier... but when you asked... I told the truth. I said no. I'm 14 years old for God's sake.

You readers are probably thinking, "Wow. Shes writing again." But that's only because he started talking to me again.

Back to the conversation. You asked.. I said no.. then you asked if you wanted to be my first kiss. I started blushing super bad. I wanted to say yes, but what would my family think? I have braces now... what does it feel like with braces? Do you want to kiss me, for sure?

All this raced through my mind.

What would my uncle think?

I got scared. I didn't know what to do. Do I want my first kiss now? Schools almost over... what would happen over the summer... would we have any classes together when school starts again? What classes did you choose? Are you nervous?

I didn't know what to do... so I told my friend that also liked you. But we talked about how I shouldn't be nervous. How I should just get a grip and about how I'm 14.

We talked more... and i asked a question and then you said something that made me laugh and smile.

'I'm breaking the Bro-code'

I ran around the house. I was then told to clean the kitchen, so while I was doing that I sang songs and smiled and talked to you.

Seriously. I understand I was mad before... but now... it's a new day, month... whatever. But you made me want to kiss you.

Then everyone got into fighting mood. But that ended quickly.

10:23 pm

I still don't understand if you asked me out or not. If your really gonna kiss me or not. I told you I had to go because of work, and that I will see him tomorrow. I'm still smiling about the thought of you kissing me.

What would happen if I sang in front of you... would your friendship toward me change? People say I'm good, but I have flaws... I shouldnt. But I'm just gonna take this slow.

I mean... why not?


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