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December 9th 2017.
10:10 pm

Welp. I guess that says it all. I've grown deeper into it. No one really knows I have it even though I told them all. I guess they chose to ignore it.

I mean why wouldn't they?

I'm annoying
Not interesting
No self esteem



Not gonna lie. That's how I see myself.

I also know that I'm still not in the right state of mind so i end up yelling. Guess I'm short tempered.

Or maybe just on edge all the time.

I yelled at my brother earlier but I was already mad. He just said something and it pissed me off.

Guess I need to work in that.

I don't know what else to say. Other than I'm very cringy. Like hot damn. Reread that first entry.

I guess this is where I tell you that I'm fighting.

I guess.

I'm very boring. Idk what people see in me.

Idk what people like about me.

Wanting to be my friend. HA. The only person I'll accept is Makaykay. She knows I'm breaking down.


Night Night

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