7| guard me now

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I woke up the next morning to see a large shadow looming over me, observing my sleeping frame.

"That's not creepy at all." I murmured to myself as soon as I recognised the person as my mate. I pushed myself up from the ground and rested my weight on my elbows, waiting for him to say what he came there for, but he kept quiet.

"Do you stare at your girlfriend like a psychopath stalker too?" I asked him in my sweetest tone.

"Why are you sleeping on the floor?" He asked me ignoring my earlier question. He put his hand forward to help me stand up but I just stared at it.

"Cause I can and it reminds me where I belong." I sharply replied while standing up on my own, ignoring his hand that was still dangling in the air.

"But you don't deserve to sleep on the floor, you should only get the best." He said confused.

"I meant that I belong to the wilderness, natural way of living, grounded to the earth." I told him a variation of terminologies incase he didn't understand. "Don't think that I believe that you're greater than me Αlpha, I'm a work of art."

"You are beyond beautiful." The fluttering of my heart was only a natural reaction, I couldn't control that. "And this is your home." I looked around the bare room without any windows and then looked back at Arden.

"No thanks." He sighed but said nothing.

"I need to talk to you."

"So talk. But let me tell you this, you're a day too late." I sent him my coldest glare. "You lost all your chances of me accepting you when you went to her." I snarled.

"You almost killed her." He said exasperated.

"She kissed you." I simply stated.

"You care for me." He softly whispered.

"My wolf cares for you, not I. You hurt me, both mentally and physically, and unlike some girls, I have self respect."


"Back to Little Rogue now? Don't call me anything apart from Rose."

"She means a lot to me, my wolf is also protective over her, she is like my sis-"

"What?" I interrupted him, "Sister? I never knew you were into incest." I faked a shocked expression.

"She was one of the only one's there for me when my parents were killed. We grew close to her, my wolf loves her like a friend, or a sister, but she liked me. I couldn't hurt her and therefore started dating her. We agreed to break up and stay friends if we found our mates. I just forgot to tell her that I found you. I know what I did was wrong, because all wolves do find their mates mostly, but the fear of not finding you removed that ounce of hesitation that I had. You are my mate Little Rogue." I could detect a hint of dishonesty in his monologue. There was something in that story that he wasn't telling me.

"Trust, loyalty, honesty, these are a couple of things that are important to me Arden. If you can't give me all of this, I can't give you anything either." I informed him. "I don't believe you're a bad guy, no anymore, but I don't believe that you can be a good mate either. I want to leave, please let me go."

"Try to understand Rose." His voice sounded strained. "I know you are a smart wolf and will make a wonderful Luna." He gave me one last look and walked out of the room, once again not giving me what I asked for.

I peeped out of now unlocked door to see two guards standing outside looking utterly and completely bored. One looked like a professional wrestler and the other looked like a Hollister model.

I knew that wolves were naturally good looking due to genes but this guy was hot.

What was with this pack and hot guys? I was surrounded by werewolves, and they all looked decent but these guys took decent to another standard.

"Luna." The wrestler said in greeting and I froze in shock.


"I'm not your Luna." I told him wide eyed.

"The pack house is made soundproof, but the door was not exactly closed." The Hollister model said sheepishly.

"And I also noticed the way Alpha looks at you." Wrestler said.

"The way a mate is supposed to." The other one said. I muttered a 'yeah right' and then turned towards them.

"What's your name?" I asked Wrestler.

"Wesley Johnson, Luna." He said politely.

"Andrew Dunst." The other one said.

"My name is Rose Conrad." I told the two men outside my room. I suddenly felt like going outside and my eyes lit up at the thought of a really nice long run.

"Can we go outside?" I asked them excited.

"Sure Luna!" Wesley replied.

"Hey guys?" The both of them turned to me. " Please do not call me Luna, it's not something that I like." I told them and they shrugged.

"Sure." I got a simultaneous reply.

I pulled my long hair into a tight bun on the top of my head, but the knots in my hair made it tough to make it have a smooth look. So the extra tendrils that were misbehaving were hidden under the rest.

The three of us walked through the pack house and I noticed that there were only a few people around.

"Where is everybody?" I asked.

"The younger members have gone to school whereas the older ones are training. It is still only eight, they will be back in another hour." Drew informed me.

'Don't you two have to go?" I asked them.

"Our job is a full day one, so we are excused from training." Wes smiled at me.

"I'm sure that you would rather be there than here." I smiled at Wesley and Andrew.

"Not really!" Drew scoffed. "Training can be fun sometimes, but training with the Αlpha could be compared to the torture of going to school. We are a strong pack due to the rigorous hard work we put in."

"I expected to see corpses hanging off tree's." I smirked.

"They are hidden in the pack house backyard." Drew wiggles his eyebrows at me and I burst out laughing.

"What time does training usually start?" I wondered.

"At sharp six in the morning for adults and five in the evening for the kids." Wesley informed me.

"How was Arden there when I woke up then?" I asked Drew.

"He handed over training duty to his beta, Castile."

"Oh." I said. "Let's go eat something!"


I'm like great at random endings. When I know that I don't know how to end something I just drop the bomb and reveal my superpowers XD

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