30- Fatal Flaw

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The howling continued, and I slumped next to Castile's body where Isobel was weeping for her dead mate. I could see that she didn't have the strength for any physical task or emotional goṛ a matter of fact.

It was about time that the tryanny by Lincoln Dale ended for once and for all and he had it coming for a long time. Leaving a heart broken Isobel I stalked towards the place where the fighting density was the highest and glared at Dale with tear filled eyes, dark with fury.

His was snapped up from Arden's constant attacks which were being blocked by other wolves for this man. His eyes found mine and a malicious smile grew on his face.

I was going to play with a greedy and cruel wolf's fatal flaw. Pride.

"You're a coward." I whispered, my voice sounded tired and hoarse.

"I'm not a coward." He growled threatening and I felt Arden take a step closer to me. I laughed emotionlessly.

"You're hiding behind unwilling people to do your bidding, forcing them to become murderers and for what?" I took a step closer to him. "You're a coward because you can't fight me directly for the Alpha title, why? Afraid you'll lose to a little girl?" I mocked him.

"Alpha title lost to you? Have you lost your mind! You have no right to it." He snarled menacingly and I smirked.

"You really are not the one who should be saying that Alpha." This was the first time I had called him alpha in his whole life, but he knew that what came out was pure sarcasm. He was a joke.

"The main reason you wanted to find me was not because I was a pure blooded alpha and I would bear strong pups, but because you knew that I could end your reign of playing alpha  if I chose to. This pack is mine, the Night Rise pack has always been lead by the Conrad family and you took over by wrongfully killing my parents!" I screamed loud and all wolves stopped, turning to look at their Alpha. No one knew that their former Alpha and Luna's first child was still alive.

Their eyes were filled with incredulity, the shift in behaviour was almost instantaneous.

"You told me that the Alpha and Luna were killed in the rogue attack." A man said softly, I recognised him as the current Beta of the Night Rise pack.

"Shut up Vulcan." He spat.

"You've not even told your pack the truth?" I tutted. "Shame on you."

He made himself ready to pounce and I hissed. "Why don't the two of us fight to death Alpha? Just you and I? Unless you're afraid of course." I tried to play my cards right, edging him on. I wasn't going to let any other person lose their lives.

"What good would you be to me dead Rosemarie, a dead womb is not going to carry my child well." He stated.

"You just need to get me unconscious and I'll come with you willingly." I bargained, crossing my fingers. I knew that he was not one to play right but at the moment he was challenged and pretty much called weak.

"Okay Rosemarie, if you must insist." He sighed. "It would be a pity to see your beautiful face marred."

Arden hand tightened around my own.

'You're not going to fight him alone.' Arden ordered.

'Nothing is going to happen to me, Castile will watch over me and there has to be a death of a great evil to equalize the death of the purest soul. That's how the balance will be restored.' I assured him. He closed his eyes and took in a deep breath. The rest if the pack stood ready, waiting for the decision of their Alpha because if he disagreed the fight would go on.

His grip on me loosened a little, closing his eyes he looked up at the sky for a second before completely letting go of my hand.

'If he tries to take you unconscious I'm not going to let him.' Arden informed me.

'I know.' Is what my reply was.

Everyone standing there formed a ring, making Dale and I stand face to face. I shifted into my white wolf whose coat was bloodied and he shifted into his wolf.

There was a clash of colours as we attacked each other, growls ripping through the air. Arden stood still by the side, observing every move carefully, clenching and unclenching his fists. Drew and Benjamin were holding on to Arden to prevent him from interfering but even their eyes held worry.

I snapped at his hind leg, reaching it only to hear a satisfying crunch of a bone breaking. A low whimper escaped the Dale's mouth before he shook himself getting into attack position again. It was now his time to strike.

A range of blows and bites were thrown at me and I tried to return them with an equal ferocity. I had too many things to take revenge of, my parents, Castile and my pack.

His claws struck my sides and I cried out in pain, I heard Drew and the rest of the pack try to control Arden who was thrashing in their weakening grip.

My leg too was being torn by Dale's claws but my wolf was never going to give up, she pushed herself as far as she could, exhausted but still strong.

I snapped my jaws and bit his muzzle that looked ugly and scarred, exactly how it was supposed to be. The blood dripping was cause a small pool on the ground below us, and I almost cringed when I saw the opposing wolf's bloodied face.

I used the opportunity to attack him in quick strikes, sending him crashing into a tree. His wolf moved slightly but before he could steady himself I was disemboweling him quick, satisfactorily.

The adrenaline was still rushing through my veins as I heard a cheer go up, and I felt Arden gently petting my head, not minding the dirt on me. His beautiful grey eyes held worry for me and a sadness despite our victory which was common in all. There was momentarily a happy blanket that surrounded everyone, but very briefly.

I shifted back into my human form and turned my head towards the clearing where Castile's body was left behind with his mate.

I felt the world spin and darken almost suddenly, before I collapsed with emotional more than physical exhaustion.


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I know a lot of you all hoped that Castile was still alive :(

The fights over, and they finally won, Lincoln Dale, a murder and the most hated person is now DEAD.

There is only one chapter left to wrap it up before the epilogue!

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