28- Something Broken

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It had been two days since the ultimatum had been given to our pack from Lincoln Dale, two days of silence and anticipation of the future.

Arden had buried himself in papers full of strategies and plans drawn out to perfection and ideas had been spilling out from the mind of various pack warriors and regular members who were determined to protect what was theirs.

We had the full support of three packs and with that came the calmness of knowing that we wouldn't be alone against the unknown.

I stood up from the seat I was sitting it and walked to the window, watching the sun peaking out from behind the thick white clouds, giving an impression to the world outside that everything was fine.

"Rosie." I heard Drew call out to me and I spun on my heel with a curious look.

"Do you need something Drew?" I asked and he shook his head, standing beside me. He fidgeted with the cloth of the curtains.

"No, I just came to check on you." He smiled.

"Don't worry Drew, I'm not going to run away, and anyway, Wesley won't let me." I faked a scowl and then we both let out a soft laugh.

Arden kept true to his promise of not letting me stay without guards, so he put Drew and Wesley to babysit me again even though the two of them would be more useful doing something that they were actually positioned in the pack to do instead.

"I know you're not going to run away, but Arden doesn't believe you. He thinks you'll be swayed by the cloud of sadness that is hovering over our heads." He informed me and I sighed.

"I just can't help but think that what if someone gets hurt, Castile, James, you, Charlotte and her unborn baby?" I let out my fears.

"Arden will try his best to ensure that no one gets hurt, Rosie." He tried to assure me.

"But what if in that attempt he gets hurt!" I burst out. "I've been close to losing him before, I can't go through that again Drew."

Drew stared at me silently for a while, he said nothing but I could see understanding in his eyes.

The door creaked open and I turned my body slightly to see Wesley standing there with a grim look.

"What's wrong?" I asked him, anxiety gripping my heart. I was hoping that Lincoln Dale had decided to fall back for a few more days that gave us enough time to await the help of Alpha Elias Martinez and James but seeing Wesley's face made me fearful once again.

"Luna, I have to go, Charlie is in labour." A wide smile came over my face.

"She's going to have the baby!" I smiled, but his face didn't change. "What are you waiting here for? Go to her!" I urged him.

"She is in immense pain. The full moon is nearing and the doctor had warned us about a few complications in the pregnancy are sure to happen but she really wanted this pup, the Luna being nearby would help so I was wondering if you could come with me?" I felt my heart drop and I immediately walked towards him.

I felt Drew coming behind me with fast steps, Wesley raised his head and his eyes darkened.

"Where are you going Andrew?" Wes asked.

"I'm her guard, I have to go everywhere with her."

"Well so am I, and I do not want Charlie to be seen by any man, you will not come near her." Wes growled.

"But Alph-" Drew started but I raised my hand, silencing him.

"It's okay Drew, I'm sure Wes will be able to protect me alone; he's the size of a giant!" I tried to joke but got flat looks from both of them. "Let's go." I grumbled.

Drew nodded and went to sit in the chair formerly occupied by me and I followed Wes out of the room.

The direction where we were going for unfamiliar, I looked around but failed to recognise the peach walls that lead somewhere unknown. This would have made me raise caution but I trusted Wesley a lot and knew that he would never willingly led me into danger.

"Where are we going Wesley?" I asked him a few moments later when my wolf raised caution.

"We are goi-going to Charlotte, Luna Rose." He said, sweating a little.

"Charlotte? We are walking away from the pack hospital." I asked with narrowed eyes, slowing down my steps.

"The hospital for some reason is triggering panic attacks Luna, so we shifted her to a little cottage close to the border where she feels safe." He said.

"Why would you take Charlie close to the border in this state Wesley! You know that the threat of rogues and Lincoln Dale are high." Wesley was a smart wolf, there was a reason why he was made my guard and it wasn't only his strength. I started to wonder if trusting him was the right thing, but Charlie had stood up for me when I needed the packs support and I couldn't let anything happen to her.

"Lets go quicker." I murmured.

"Yes Luna." He said with relief in his tone. He continued to walk, checking that I was following him.

I could see Wesley getting more jittery, his speed increasing when I heard Drew's voice.

"Rose, turn back and run as fast as you can, away from Wesley. Charlotte is safe and not in labour right here in the pack house. Wesley was lying." He warned me via the mind link. I froze, looking at Wesley's huge frame move.

"Little Rogue leave from there immediately!" Arden's voice commanded. "We will be coming now."

My mates voice pushed me out of my shock and I took a step back before attempting to sprint away.

"Don't move Rosemarie." I heard the voice of my nightmares but I didn't stop.

I felt my body being tackled to the ground and I whimpered at the pain of my hand twisting under my body.

"Nice to see you again Rosemarie." I looked around to see an entire army standing in rows as I looked into the green eyes of the man who snatched away my everything.

"Lincoln Dale."


A/N: Hey guys! I know this chapter is incredibly late and I am so sorry for that!

I was in two minds whether or not Wesley would be a traitor to his pack and Luna and I spent a majority of the days just trying to make a decision regarding that.

When I first introduced Wesley to you all could you have ever imagined him doing this?

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