9| alpha killian

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"I'm sorry." I blurted out and took a step back and then another to get away from the man who looked at me with so much hope and longing in his eyes.

I turned around and jumped into the forest changing mid-stride into my snow white wolf. I knew that running away wasn't the smartest choice, if he was as powerful and influential as rumours said then he could catch me in a jiffy, but it was a habit that was instilled into my brain since I was a little girl.

Arden was hot on my tail and I could hear him warning me to stop via his loud growls. I needed to stay away from him, I had a broken past that would somehow transition into the future. I did not want him and his pack to suffer because I was too selfish to run away and even if I was safe, I couldn't forget the insult that my wolf had to bear. She had not yet forgiven Arden and refused to bond with his wolf till he was taught a proper lesson.

I flew through the jungle at a speed that would make me a blur of white against the dark green trees for any any human onlooker .Two more wolves joined their Alpha in chasing his Luna and I was positive it was Wes and Drew.

I left them behind.

I crossed the pack territory and I felt clueless. I heard carefully as the howls of betrayal rung through the air, I closed my eyes momentarily.

My wolf withdrew a bit of energy from my human form and a wave of tiredness washed over me like nothing before. I wanted to rest, but I didn't know whose territory I was on, therefore the risk was too high.

I shifted back into my human form which cause the cool air to attack my nude body.

I took a few steps forward but stopped when I heard the crunch of dried leaves being stepped on.

I took a complete circle but was unable to catch a scent or see the person. I felt the aura of strength before anything else, making my heart speed up in preparation of a fight. After my energy that had been used up running away I was positive that there was no way I could fight and win against the stranger.

A hand clasped around my throat and I felt my body being lift higher in the air.

It's got to be karma.

I tried to claw the hand that was trying to choke me to death. My body struggled as the amount of air entering my wind pipe reduced considerably.

"Leave me." I gasped, kicking his shoulders with all the force I could muster. He dropped me on the cold hard forest floor and I took in large gulps of air and while silently observing my attacker.

"What are you doing on my territory rogue." The seven foot giant spat.

Alpha, alpha everywhere! Where the hell do I get my luck from?

"Who are you?" I crossed my arms over my naked chest and crouched to hide the rest of my body from his view.

"Alpha Killian Denver, now answer my question."

"I am just passing by, I mean no harm to you and your pack." My voice came out scratchy. He caught hold of my hair and pulled me up roughly.

"A weakling like you couldn't do anything even if you wished to. Your scent seems familiar." He noted, ignoring my seething expression. Weak? Let him come at me when I'm fully ready and not caught off guard and then I'll show him who's weak.

"I was on the Leikos territory." I informed him.

"You were with their Αlpha, a runaway?"

"Not exactly." I said hesitantly. "But they do take much better care of their guests."

"I think you will love my dungeons, what do you say rogue?"

I gave a nervous laugh. "You mean jail right?"

"No." He smirked. "I meant dungeons."

I was angry. I thought this Arden copy was joking when he said that he was going to throw me in the dungeons, I mean who had dungeons in this century! But he did, and they were grey and cold and bare. Αlpha's really needed to start keeping up with the times.

"Hey Princess?" Alpha JerkAss called me.

"Yes Pauper?" I asked him sweetly. He scowled and then continued.

"I got a call from the Alpha of the Sangre Leikos pack." I paled. "You know, your mate?" I gave him a nervous smile. "He threatened to kill me if any harm came to you." He chuckled.

"I have never heard him so frustrated, desperate and angry in all the years of our friendship." He smirked.

"You two are friends?" I asked him curiously. "Now that explains so much." I mumbled.

"It's been twenty two years now Luna Jackson."

"Drop the formalities, rogue sounded better than that." I rolled my eyes. "Can I atleast sit in your office?"

"He told me that you're a hand full, and that I am not to harm you but he said nothing about where to keep you." Killian Denver informed me.

"Come on Killy, we're all friends here." I smiled extra wide, throwing in a short horse like giggle for extra points. Now that I know that Arden knew him and he knew that I was Arden's mate, I was feeling confident once again. But I needed to keep my tongue in check before I said something I would regret for the rest of my life, for example, calling Alpha Denver Killy.

"That's a terrible nickname, Rosemarie, but better than Little Rogue I guess." He smirked.

"Hey now, Little Rogue is cute." I defended the weird name that Arden had been calling me since the start. Sure I myself didn't find it amazing, but it did cause tiny, very tiny flutters to form in my stomach. "And who told you about this?"

"Arden isn't a big talker, but Castile tattles." Ofcourse.

Can I get some clothes?" I realised (maybe a bit too late) that I was still as nude as the day I was born. He laughed, giving me the t-shirt in his hands.

"He told me what happened. He will come here to collect you tomorrow, he wants to give you 'space'." He air quoted the word space. "He is not a bad guy."

"It's not him." I whispered.

"Then let him know that." Alpha Killian smiled genuinely.



Yes, I did take the name Killian from OUAT ;) #CaptainSwanForLife

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